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他非常的外向。He's exuberantly extroverted.

不含蓄,更外向。Less introverted, more extroverted.

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我的性格是内向还是外向?Am I more introverted or extroverted?

我既不内向也不外向。I'm neither introverted nor extroverted.

这个嘛,更开朗,更外向“"Well, you know, more extroverted. More outgoing."

外向而且是「P」意指你是个判断者或是直觉者。Extroverted and "P" means you are a senser or intuiter.

另一个变得外向的技能就是要能够不停的说。Another skill to become extroverted is to be able to talk non-stop.

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关注大局、外向的人往往能当好产品经理。Big picture, extroverted folks tend to do well as product managers.

弓手座是火相星座。弓手非常主动、外向。Sagittarius is Fire energy. This is avery active, extroverted sign.

射手座是火相星座。射手十分主动、开朗。Sagittarius is Fire energy. This is a very active, extroverted sign.

性格外向的人有某种东西似乎在保护他们。There's something about being extroverted that seems to protect people.

射手座是火相星座。射手异常自动、外向。Sagittarius is Fire energy. This is extremely popular! extroverted sign.

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我性格外向,在大学时曾经是一名校报记者,并且做得很好。I am extroverted and I once a sporter of my school and i do it very well.

她说,“自信是因为我们独立,能与外界联系但不受外界影响。The confidence is because we're independent, extroverted and self-centered.

射手座是火相性格。射手非比寻常主动、外向。Sagittarius is Fire power. This is a Very abundance active, extroverted sign.

天秤座是风相星座,其特性是比较外向和主动。Libra represents the Air element. It is a sign that is extroverted and active.

我们俩其实本质上都算内向性格的人,不过艾伦相对来讲偏外向一点。We both are introverted people by nature, but Allen is the more extroverted one.

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阿拉伯人民以性格外向和热爱和平著称。The Arab people are known for their extroverted natures, for their love of peace.

天秤座是风相星座。其特征比拟外向和主动。Libra represents the Air element. It is a sign that is more extroverted and active.

为什么外倾性比内倾性陪审员可能感到证人更可靠?Why might extroverted jurors find witnesses more credible thanintroverted jurors do?