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乐观地走自己的路。Go your way optimistically.

显然,这回贝尔逊过于乐观。Obviously, this chapter of Bell abdicates too optimistically.

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我想了一会儿,“可以,”我乐观地说。I thought about it for a few moments. "Yeah," I said optimistically.

我想了一会儿,“可以,”我乐观地回答。I thought about it for a few moments. "Yeah, " I said optimistically.

“打得不错,”我努力做出乐观的样子。“谢谢,爸爸。”他仍然满面笑容。"Well done! " I tried to act optimistically. "Thank you, dad! " he was still smiling.

而抢劫地方银行的劫匪只是乐观的期待有几万美元的横财。The local bank robber optimistically expects a windfall in the tens of thousands of dollars.

根据珀西情报,他们乐观地认为詹姆斯上台后,天主教徒可能会得到庇护。Percy's reports back optimistically suggested that Catholics might enjoy protection in James' England.

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但是,“阿尔文”号预计在第二阶段才扩展最大深度,乐观估计是在2015年完成。But the Alvin won’t increase its maximum depth until the second stage, optimistically scheduled for 2015.

而谢柏德则乐观地预测,若新式的天文设备能更灵敏的话,便能再找著20多颗新卫星。Sheppard more optimistically predicted twice as many, given the increased sensitivity of modern astronomical facilities.

无论乐观地还是悲观地看待这个世界,它都不会随着你的意愿改变,不同的只是你的感受。The world won't change as you want whatever you treat it optimistically or pessimistically, the only difference is your feeling.

中美两国的领导人都乐观地坚称能够管理好这种竞争,而不会发生冲突危急全球秩序。Leaders of both countries assert optimistically that the competition can be managed without clashes that threaten the global order.

但阿利耶夫对阿塞拜疆与美国及欧洲在能源输送方面的合作前景表示了乐观。Still, Mr. Aliyev spoke optimistically about the outlook for future cooperation with the U. S. and Europe over energy transmission.

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对满足同一防洪标准的各种防洪措施,也可用年费用最小的原则优选。Flood protection measures under the same flood prevention criteria may be optimistically selected by the criteria of minimum yearly cost.

准备好以儿童的方式去获取知识,这一点也不令人难堪、要积极乐观地对待,你也许就会发现自己又拥有了孩子般的热情。Be willing to look at gaining knowledge as a child does, unembarrassed and optimistically. You may find that you can gain their same enthusiasm.

其实,每个人都要善于学会接受我们不能够承受的东西,那是生命过程中无法避免的,只要达观地看待就行了。In fact, learning how to accept what we are supposed not to be able to endure is a must in our lives. See the so-called catastrophes optimistically.

同时,改革主义者组成的新联合政府正乐观地谈论要在一个福利国家恢复北欧式的人人平权。Meanwhile a new reformist coalition government is optimistically talking about restoring Nordic egalitarian priorities within a strong welfare state.

有一阵子,有人乐观地假设,父母的理想意象凭藉对于它们内容的精神分析,多少能够被瓦解破灭。At one time it was optimistically assumed that the parental imagos could be more or less broken down and destroyed through analysis of their contents.

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无论乐观地还是悲观地看待这个世界,它都不会随着你的意愿改变,不同的只是你的感受。为什么不乐观一些呢?The world won't change as you want whatever you treat it optimistically or pessimistically , the only difference is your feeling. So why not be optimistic?

大一新生通过学习与锻炼必将能够在面对问题之时独当一面,综合素质必将有所提升。He said the freshmen through learning and training will certainly be able to face the problem optimistically and the overall quality is bound to be improved.

第三,稍微乐观一点看,在应对一个更大威胁的问题上,气候变化具有使青藏高原各自为政的社区团结起来的可能性。Third, and somewhat optimistically , in addressing a bigger threat, the potential exists for climate change to unite divided communities on the Tibetan Plateau.