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于是,承宪就按主持人告诉他的做了。So, SH does as he told him.

但是她是非常严密的与我们。But sh is vry strict with us.

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他们像一个棺材成形一个头。They have a he ad sh aped like a coffin.

我在树边找到的。Sh smiled, 'I found 'em, out by the tree.

这里也一样,应当在冒号之后加破折号。Here, too, the lon must be followed by a sh.

我决不会和这么自私的家伙合作。I will never cooperate with such a sel sh guy.

今天早盘证券指数以绿盘开出。The SH index opens with a green listing today.

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嘿,我还想来一些,小妞请不要介意。Hey, Sh Shawty would you mind, cuz I want me some.

小点心或任何甜食对承宪都很好。Snacks and anything sweet will be very good for SH.

我们要创建一个build.sh脚本来执行构建过程。To substitute a build process, we'll create a

承宪应该很快就要去接受严酷的冬训了。SH is supposed to go to severe winter training very soon.

是由乔治-沃克-小树丛先生强力捏合成的一个傀儡政府。They were forced into a "puppet" government because of GW BU SH.

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应用专家,试剂,分子和细胞生物学部,上海。Application Specialist, Consumable, Molecular & Cell Biology, SH.

所有北京的航班都在A楼34号至43号京沪快线柜台办理值机手续。All flights from SH to BJ is check-in at Terminal A counter 34 to 43.

数据和人工地震波都与抵达的P波或SH波同步。Both data and synthetic seismograms are aligned on the P or SH arrivals.

没。有什么比得上和朋友一起学习。There is nothing like having a few friends to study Eng. li. sh together.

汉尼根,免费周游世界上所有的港口,一艘上好的船为家,一天三餐不要钱……。Hannigan, free tour to all the ports in the world. A fine sh ip for a home.

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小猪很伤心,因为维尼哥哥在忙自己的事。Piglet was upset, as Phoo was not around. He is in SH busy with his things.

结论SH菌株是防治德国小蠊的有效致病菌株。Conclusion SH is an effective pathogenic Strain to control Blattella germanica.

待粥煮成,确定浮子已下沉,打开煲盖,再按任何。When Floater sinks down, open lid. Add fi sh balls and press any button to boil.