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她是英国广播公司的播音员。She announces for BBC.

BBC拒绝置评。The BBC declined to -comment.

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迈克尔.布里斯顿,BBC新闻,北京Michael Bristow, BBC News, Beijing

麦克尤恩的剧本遭英国广播公司禁播。McEwan's play was banned by the BBC.

单靠BBC一家无法逆转这种腐败之势。The BBC can't reverse the rot alone.

我的收音机能清楚地收听到BBC。My radio can pick up BBC very clearly.

他们对BBC发起了一场诉讼。They launch an action against the BBC.

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英国广播电视公司也参与了该电影的制作。The BBC are also co-producing the film.

BBC一台在纳米比亚的gobabeb完成拍摄。BBC One filmed them in Gobabeb, Namibia.

医疗卫生记者,BBC新闻By Nick Triggle Health reporter, BBC News

您现在收听的是最新的BBC世界新闻。This is the latest World News from the BBC.

英国广播公司对全世界进行广播。BBC plans to televise all Shakespeare's plays.

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我还获得了英国广播公司年度青年体育人物奖。I won the BBC Young Sports Personality as well.

科技与环境通信员,BBC新闻Science and environment correspondent, BBC News

BBC在现场的一辆转播车被殃及。BBC broadcast at the scene of a car are affected.

英国广播公司计划播放莎士比亚的全部戏剧。The BBC plans to televise all Shakespear's plays.

你见到过在BBC电影中扮演我的杰夫·高布伦吗?Did you see Jeff Goldblum play me in the BBC film?

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英国广播公司计画播放莎士比亚的全部戏剧。The BBC plans to televise all Shakespeare's plays.

一名目击者向BBC讲述了他在周五亲眼目睹的情景。An eyewitness told the BBC what he'd seen on Friday.

英国广播公司交响乐团演奏起来挥洒自如。The BBC Symphony Orchestra played with great panache.