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1957年,人们发现了磁气圈的存在。The magnetosphere was discovered in 1957.

这些读数来源于“日本磁气圈模拟器”。These readings are obtained from a Japanese magnetosphere simulator.

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什么因素支配在地球磁层的形状变化?What factors govern the variation in the shape of the Earth's magnetosphere?

磁气圈也没有显示南极磁场消失,接下来也没有重大的地震。The magnetosphere did not show a missing S Pole, and no significant quakes ensued.

磁层液和塑料,作为模拟的地球磁层显示。Magnetospheres are fluid and plastic, as the simulation of Earth's magnetosphere shows.

我们只不过运用自然的方式张开磁层,而非利用风暴。We have simply used nature's ways to open up the magnetosphere without benefit of storm.

土星磁层的性质似乎是在中坚饽地球和木星的。Saturn's magnetosphere appears to be intermediate in nature to those of Earth and Jupiter.

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带电粒子的能量大小与磁气圈中的磁场的大小变化极大。The energy of the particles and the fields in the magnetosphere can vary by large amounts.

太阳风与地磁场相互作用形成的磁层顶对磁层内磁场有重要影响。The magnetopause exerts a tremendous influence on magnetic field within the magnetosphere.

磁气圈是一个包裹着地球的磁性泡泡,保护着我们免受太阳风的吹袭。The magnetosphere is a bubble of magnetism that surrounds earth and protects us from solar wind.

磁层很像是龙捲风带或热带气旋区,充满了瞬间风暴。Like the tornado belt or the tropical cyclone zone, the magnetosphere is a place of sudden storms.

称作太阳风的连续带电子流撞击在地球的磁层上。A continuous stream of charged particles called the solar wind impinges on the earth's magnetosphere.

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带电粒子形成一股电流,对地球的磁气圈具有着很大的影响。Charged particles carry currents, which cause significant modifications in the Earth's magnetosphere.

在这段平静的时间内没有地球南极磁场丢失的现象。The magnetosphere reflected this stress by the loss of the Earth's S Pole repeatedly, on March 25 and 27.

利用三维脉冲星磁层模型研究了磁层外隙的几何结构。We use a three dimensional pulsar magnetosphere model to study the geometry of outer- magnetospheric gaps.

行星X在内太阳系中,位于地球和太阳之间,并使地球的磁气圈变形。Planet X is in the inner solar system, standing between the Earth and Sun, and warping the Earth's magnetosphere.

首要的问题是,我们得搞清楚能量是如何从太阳风转化到磁气圈中去的。The first critical step is to understand how the energy gets transferred from the solar wind to the magnetosphere.

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这是第二次地球南极磁场磁气圈丢失现象,并且与显著的板块移动相关联。This is the second time the loss of the S Pole on the magnetosphere was associated with significant plate movements.

巴拉瓦什指出,一个行星的磁层总是远大于行星本身或它的大气层。Barabash points out that a planet's magnetosphere will always be far larger than the planet itself or its atmosphere.

由于地球的抖动,尘埃云通过先是摇摆向一边,再向另一边来对地球的磁气圈做出反应。The dust cloud reacts to the Earth's magnetosphere by swinging first to one side, then the other, as the Earth wobbles.