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我们在克什米尔避暑。We summered in Kashmir.

亚瑟•帕维兹克什米尔报道。Athar Parvaiz reports from Kashmir.

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你们让他们的军队到克什米尔来。You call their army staff to visit Kashmir.

印控克什米尔骚乱,印度军方开枪打死一人,打伤15人。Indian forces kill 1, wound 15 in Kashmir unrest.

好的,巴基斯,是因为喀什米尔吗?Right, Parkistan. Is that over the Kashmir issue?

印度陆军上校在克什米尔枪战中丧生。Indian army colonel killed in gunfight in Kashmir.

他们为争夺克什米尔打斗至今。They have sparred and warred over Kashmir ever since.

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但克什米尔不仅仅代表着印度和巴基斯坦的冲突。But Kashmir isn't just a proxy for India-Pakistan conflict.

矛盾纷争的克什米尔从未料到有这样快乐的日子。THESE are unexpectedly happy days in conflict-torn Kashmir.

你知不知道有多少人在可设米尔丧生?“Are you aware how many people have been killed in Kashmir?

克什米尔就像巴勒斯坦,是不公正的象征。Kashmir is a symbol, like Palestine, of a sense of injustice.

现实节制线更西的另一个焦点地区则是克什米尔。Further west along the LAC, another flashpoint lies in Kashmir.

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它占领原查谟和克什米尔的五分之一。It occupies one-fifth of the original state of Jammu and Kashmir.

关于喀什米尔的意见分歧,是人们讨论的最多的。A variety on new ideas on Kashmir on the area are being discussed.

在克什米尔,来自喀拉拉的武装分子被捕或被毙。Fighters from the region have been captured and killed in Kashmir.

他策划组织勘察了克什米尔。He was the person who planned and organized the survey of Kashmir.

比如,克什米尔和西姆拉就是种植人参的好地方。Kashmir and Shimla for instance can be good place to grow Ginseng.

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克什米尔目前分为巴控克什米尔和印控克什米尔,双方都声称对这一地区拥有主权。Kashmir is divided between Pakistan and India, and claimed by both.

克什米尔是一个独立的由信仰印度教的王子统治的君主国家,百分之七十克什米尔居民信穆斯林教。Kashmir was an independent princely state ruled by a Hindu maharajah.

他们看到印度部队在克什米尔残暴的使用暴力。They see Indian troops in Kashmir as an often brutal occupying force.