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你必得去一趟。You simply must go.

我只是实在憋不住了,想撒泡尿。I simply had to pee.

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简直是喧宾夺主。Is simply unoriginal.

这是完全错误的。This is simply false.

散文,他简单地说。Prose, he said simply.

那是光荣的!It was simply glorious!

或者干脆用我,我们和它。Or simply I, we,and it.

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这简直便是熬煎。This is simply torture.

你只是改变形式。You simply change form.

电视简直就是个禁区。TV is simply off limits.

那简直是反常的。That is simply abnormal.

他们都照杀不误They simply killed them.

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这简直就是折磨。This is simply torture.

他们简直不知羞耻。They had simply on shame.

这绝对是错误的。This is simply incorrect.

他完全是瞎说。He simply talked nonsense.

他偏不听。He simply wouldn't listen.

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它只不过多烧点你的汽油罢了。It simply burns more fuel.

太不可思议了It's simply extraordinary.

它只是一剂良药。It's simply good medicine.