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施洗约翰是耶稣的开路先锋。John was the forerunner to Jesus.

约翰将做耶稣的开路先锋。John would be the forerunner for Jesus.

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他是这个反抗运动的先驱者。He was the forerunner of the resistance.

看来,宏正自动科技是先导的雅威。It seems Aten is the forerunner of Yahweh.

佳明先驱410看上去就像一个普通的手表。The Garmin Forerunner 410 looks like a regular watch.

解放思想是加快发展的先导。Emancipates forerunner who the mind speeds up the development.

它是此后所有奥林匹克吉祥物的先驱。Schuss was the skiing forerunner of all future Olympic mascots.

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犹太人先知,早期基督教会以他为耶稣基督的先驱。Jewish prophet revered in Christianity as the forerunner of Jesus.

可将该活动看作是数据仓库的先驱活动。This activity could be thought of as a forerunner to data warehousing.

英国女作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是女性主义文学理论的开山鼻祖。Virginia Woolf, an English woman writer, is the forerunner of feminism.

宴请客人,一定要请客人先进、先入席。Entertain a guest, must invite guests a forerunner and seat at table first.

整合中国设计界,以健康的姿态,做“中国创造”的领跑者。Integrate China design class, and to be the forerunner of "Create in China".

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我想她肯定是奥斯卡最佳导演奖呼声最高的候选人。I think she is definitely the forerunner now for Best Director with the Academy.

周永年是18世纪中国藏书事业的先驱人物。Zhou Yongnian is the forerunner of Chinese books collecting in the 18th century.

然后,打开你的佳明GPS手表,把手边放到电脑的右边。Then, take your Garmin Forerunner GPS watch and place it right next to the computer.

克莱随意编出充满自夸的言辞,可以说他是饶舌音乐的先驱。Clay’s boastful rhymes, composed spontaneously, defined him as a forerunner of rap music.

现今所有生命的鼻祖,最初的那个细胞,它确切的本质依然个迷。The exact nature of the first cell, the forerunner of all life today, is still a mystery.

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这些火枪的先驱者可以射出穿透盔甲的致命齐射。This forerunner of the musket is capable of firing deadly volleys that can pierce armour.

当然,施洗约翰蒙召成为弥赛亚的先锋,是独一无二的。Of course, John the Baptist was unique in his calling to be the forerunner of the Messiah.

兵棋被理解为当代模拟和仿真类实践活动的先驱。Wargaming is interpreted as a forerunner of contemporary modelling and simulation practices.