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他们奢谈祖国。They speak of homeland.

不再有国内安全保护。No more homeland security.

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国内安全部长。Secretary of Homeland Security.

你故乡的夜,有点微凉。Your homeland night, a bit cool.

他已移居国外。He expatriated from his homeland.

她已移居国外。She expatriated from her homeland.

我们爱和平,我们爱家乡。We love peace, we love our homeland.

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我们爱和平,我们爱家乡。We love peace, love for our homeland.

它给远方的祖国留下了什么?What left it in its homeland distant?

我也热爱我的祖国、敬爱我的父母。I also love my homeland and my parents.

我爱你家乡的甜蔗。I love your sugar canes of the homeland.

太阳城,以“一生之城”缔造理想家园。The sun city , that's the ideal homeland.

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当时他们渴念着故乡。They had a deep yearning for their homeland.

他们思念着在亚洲的故乡。They were pining for their homeland in Asia.

激发学生的爱国热情。Motivate the students' love for our homeland.

在中国,你可以在自己的国家中富起来。But, in China you can get rich in your homeland.

小白花,小白花,永远祝福你的祖国吧。Edelweiss, Edelweiss, Bless my homeland forever.

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为国家效死,死重于泰山。??孙中山。Death for the homeland is heavier than Mount Tai.

一位老人思念远方的家乡。An old man feels nostalgic for a distant homeland.

他还希望用不同的方式来效忠国家。He has also committed in new ways to his homeland.