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这孩子的性格尚未定型。The child's character is as yet unformed.

他的心灵深处有个混沌一团,尚未成形的幻想。There was a crude unformed vision in his soul.

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因为如果你看着她的脸,它年轻人仍然未成形和充满。For if you look at her face, it is still unformed and full of youth.

大地一片混沌,虚空无形“,上帝之气掠过深深的混沌。the earth being unformed and void," the wind of God sweeping over the deep.

文章说明,发育不良的社会导致了人性的自我背叛、人格的自我崩溃。It indicates the unformed society results in self- betrayal and self-collapse.

普遍认为保护未定型的头脑免受洗脑是正确的选择。It is universally considered proper to prevent unformed minds to be brainwashed.

可将不平整材料及不等规格产品重新整理减少不良率。Will rearrange the unformed materials and products of different specifications to reduce negative printing.

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未长成的孩子因为天真无邪,所以在这一点上他们更能轻松应对,原因是他们还没有学会怎么去抵制。Children, unformed and blissfully ignorant, have an easier time of it, for they haven’t learned what to reject.

基本原因是我国尚未形成管理科学发展大环境和核心基础条件。The main reason is the unformed environment and essential conditions for the development of management science.

在经济改革中,哲学作为上层建筑的重要组成部分,对个体人生或群体人生的价值都是无形的,是不能与政治经济学中所说的价值等同的。In economic reform, as an important part of super-structure, philosophy is unformed for the value of human life or a colony.

十二年来,安妮已经从一个花容月貌、沉默寡言、尚未定型的十五岁的小姑娘,变成了一个仪容典雅的二十七岁的年轻妇女。Twelve years had changed Anne from the blooming, silent, unformed girl of fifteen, to the elegant little woman of seven and twenty.

一个雕刻家正在一刀一刀地雕刻着一块尚未成型的大理石,渐渐地,脑袋、肩膀都露出来了,雕出了一个雕刻家心中的天使。A sculptor is a knife a knife to carve a piece of unformed marble, gradually, head, shoulders are exposed, carved out a sculptor angel.

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既未有独创性的学问、未养成思考的习惯、未谙熟作文的技巧,我因而下定了决心——要写一本书。Unprovided with original learning, unformed in the habits of thinking, unskilled in the arts of composition, I resolved– to write a book.

你这个还未成形的小东西,在妈妈的肚肚里还听话吧?爸爸向你打个招呼,知道是在叫你吗?Hi, baby, you are such a lovely unformed little creature, do you behave well in mum's belly? Dady is saying hello to you, can you hear me?

分析了妨碍碳氮化物合成成功的原因,对相关的类石墨的碳氮化合物和无定型的碳氮化合物作了介绍。The reason for the fail of carbon nitride syn thesis was analysed and relevant graphitic carbon nitride and unformed carbon nitrides were introduced in the article.

城市治理是当今城市现代化管理的最新理念,但在中国特殊的政治体制背景下,真正的治理格局尚未形成。Urban governance is the newest idea in the city management, but real governance structure is unformed in China' cities because of special political system situation.

但是,我国目前的物流标准化工作现状并不令人满意,物流标准体系、物流标准检测体系尚未形成。But the actuality of logistics standardization in our country is not satisfied, and the logistics standard system and the examination system of logistics standard are unformed.

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在政治协商会议之结论,已将国民大会全然无形化,而将监察与立法两院,设计为近似西方国家之上、下议院。The conclusion of political negotiations has unformed National Assembly but converted Legislative Yuan and Control Yuan into a similar structure of Houses of Lords and Commons.

当上帝开始开创天地的过程,大地一片混沌,虚空无形,他的呼吸掠过这混沌的表面,他说,“要有光,于是便有了光“When God began this process of creating the heaven and the earth, And the earth was unformed and void, And his wind was on the surface of the deep and so on, He said, "Let there be light and there was light."