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还是婉言谢绝?Or do you decline?

抑或男人一词的衰亡。Or the decline of man.

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那些人婉言拒绝了。The men politely decline.

中国焉得不弱!How could China not decline?

我会谢绝另一家的聘用。I’ll decline the other offer.

团队士气开始下降。Team morale starts to decline.

贾府就是这个衰败的典型。Jia is typical of this decline.

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结核病致死率继续下降。Deaths from TB continue to decline.

新派神学的衰落和消亡。The decline and death of liberalism.

但是萨德拉的健康却每况愈下。But Sandra’s health began to decline.

却之不恭。It would be disrespectful to decline.

可接受或拒绝许可。Either accept or decline the licenses.

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如果不这样的话,就是国运衰败之兆”。If not, this kingdom is on the decline.

吸毒人数甚至下降得更为明显。The decline in drug-taking is even sharper.

汉大赋的兴盛局面难以为继,开始走向衰败。After Ban Gu, Great Han Ode began to decline.

年龄相关的记忆力下降可以治疗吗?Can Age-Associated Memory Decline Be Treated?

你是否感觉自己的性趣在逐渐下降?Do you feel interested in the steady decline?

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销售下降使我们公司陷于困境。The decline in sales embarrassed our company.

这个大家族逐渐败落了。The great family gradually went into decline.

没有谁拒绝与你共饮美酒佳酿。There are none to decline your nectared wine.