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现在,谜底已经揭穿。Now, the mystery is revealed.

1999年,一桩丑闻被披露了。In 1999a scandal was revealed.

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我们从没有泄漏任何一个消息源。We have never revealed a source.

开叉的裙子暴露出匀称的腿。A slit skirt revealed shapely legs.

她明亮的眼睛透露出她的敏捷。Her bright eyes revealed her nimbleness.

那名选手的笑容显露出他赢了。The player's smile revealed that he won.

她给我看了装满几个托盘的透明的美味珍品。She revealed some trays of glassy titbits.

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那所房子经检视表明很潮湿。The survey revealed that the house was damp.

与此同时,茜茜透露了穿红风衣的是萨拉。CeCe, meanwhile, revealed Red Coat to be Sarah!

他的犹豫暴露了他的根本不情愿。His hesitancy revealed his basic indisposition.

显示出成熟的摇曳的裙摆。Mature beauty swaying skirt from being revealed.

皮纹透露哪些天资密码?What are talent codes revealed by dermal ridges?

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这几句话充分显示了她的崇高品质。These few words fully revealed her noble quality.

你的错误给我揭示了一个真相。Your fallacies have revealed to me a great truth.

他知道,因为他的试验室这样告诉他。He knew this because his testing room revealed it.

具有与刚果红结合的螺旋结构。It had the spiral structure revealed by congo red.

海葬的具体地点并未透露。The exact location of the burial was not revealed.

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雾已经散了,看来是温暖晴朗的一天。The fog had lifted and revealed a warm, sunny day.

这名病人的详细身份尚未透露。The identity of the patient has not been revealed.

胸腔镜下看见弥漫性多发肺囊泡。Thoracoscopy revealed multiple diffuse lung cysts.