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那两个秤锤互成平衡。The two weights counterbalance each other.

必须定期检查大钳平衡铊的吊绳。L. The rig tong counterbalance line must be inspected at a regular interval.

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华沙公约的成立是用来对抗资本阵营所成立的北大西洋公约组织的。The Warsaw Pact was formed to counterbalance the NATO formed by the capitalist bloc.

展位内家具需要用中性色调来平衡设计和颜色。You need to counterbalance the design and color with neutral shades for the furniture.

那样长期的减少能量消耗就可以抵消掉经济上的损失了。The long-term benefits of reduced energy consumption would counterbalance the economic loss.

同时,中国帮助制约巴基斯坦的主要竞争对手印度,以及阿富汗。Meanwhile, China can help counterbalance Pakistan’s arch-rival, India, including in Afghanistan.

在游梁式抽油机上使旋转的平衡块与游梁相连的钢杆。The steel beam that connects the rotary counterbalance with the walking beam on a beam pumping unit.

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中型平衡锤是一款应用于大多数盖子,机械装置和普通机械产品的理想材料。CB222, Medium Duty Counterbalance is ideal for most covers, mechanisms and general duty applications.

他说,“在农场铲一天的粪对脑力工作来说是一个极好的平衡。”He says, "shoveling manure for a day on my farm is an excellent counterbalance to intellectual work."

在某些抽油机上,旋转平衡块可由改变其在曲柄臂上的位置进行调整。On some pumpers, the rotary counterbalance can be adjusted by shifting the position on the crank arms.

宙斯三世却不喜欢性爱,也许是对他祖父极性的反平衡,且没有生下继承者。Zeus III disliked sex, perhaps in polar counterbalance to his grandfather, and never birthed a successor.

一旦梁上面有负载,那么这根梁必需有足够的强度来支撑这个负载。If a beam supports a load above, the beam itself must have sufficient strength to counterbalance that weight.

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工具、护丝和钻头等,都不能用来增加大钳平衡铊的重量。Makeshift weights such as tools, pipe protectors, bits, etc. should not be added to the counterbalance weights.

特别,作为在国际贸易过程中的非对称的市场准入的一个必要平衡物,它被考虑。It is considered, inter alia , as a necessary counterbalance to asymmetric market access in international trade.

这个对自由软件的明显的例外可以制衡对专有软件的有效例外。This explicit exception for free software would counterbalance the effective exception for proprietary software.

这些力量并未被察觉,地球也并不了解如何来反平衡以矫正损失。These forces were unperceived and there was no understanding of what to do in counterbalance to rectify the loss.

第三部分,机动车交通事故损害赔偿中的过失相抵与免责事由。The third part, counterbalance of negligence and grounds for exemption in traffic accident damages of motor vehicle.

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左派则认为,政府是一只大手,可以平衡市场上的强势力量。The left sees government as the main institution that can counterbalance the effects of the all-too-powerful marketplace.

那些经历了不够好生活的人们,是在相反的极性中,反平衡了在很久前经历了好生活的祖先。Those experiencing the "not so good life" are in polar counterbalance to ancestors that experienced the "good life" long ago.

我意识到,这是为了反平衡我战争狂热分子祖先对其他人造成的核毒素而出现的。I recognize that this was in counterbalance to causing radiation poisoning to others in the actions of my warmonger ancestors.