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这样说太过了,太异端,太不正统了。That went too far. It was too pagan, way too unorthodox.

封建社会贫民是被禁止进入皇庄的。In feudal society, unorthodox theories were always ignored.

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非正统的漂移车也进入混凝土漂移的事件。Unorthodox drift cars also make their way into RC Drift events.

这样的营销策略看似离经叛道,但却通过了消费者测试。As unorthodox as the strategy may seem, it passed the consumer test.

这种非正规的策略使得衡量PLA的进步更加困难。This unorthodox strategy has made the PLA's progress harder to measure.

贝特森接受的是最正统的牛津教育,从事的却是最异端的职业。Bateson had a most orthodox Oxford education and a most unorthodox career.

她警告过我,说你的澳洲方法是“歪门邪道,颇有争议”。She warned me your antipodean methods were "unorthodox and controversial".

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不久,他们席卷了热情,感动和非正统的浪漫。Soon, they are swept up in a passionate, thrilling and unorthodox romance.

他不同寻常的策略同阿克巴较保守的战术配合得很好。His unorthodox strategies worked well with Ackbar's more conservative tactics.

这些政策可以使非正统的——胆识我们所面临的问题也是非正统的。These policies would be unorthodox — but so are the economic problems we face.

“你用的到底是什么邪门功夫?”贾道长忿忿然说道。"What unorthodox effort is what you used exactly?"Gu way long Fen Fen however say.

但是可以确定的是米拉奇先生的途径别出心裁,有点背离正统。But what is certain is that Mr.Milarch's approach is unique, if somewhat unorthodox.

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但是可以确定的是米拉奇先生的途径别出心裁,有点背离正统。But what is certain is that Mr. Milarch’s approach is unique, if somewhat unorthodox.

随着各种思想的兴起,八股文中也出现了非正统的思想。With the rise of various thoughts the unorthodox thought appeared in Eight-part essay.

另外还有许多非正统的版本,如不可思议的迷宫、护林员等。In addition has many unorthodox editions, like inconceivable labyrinth, forest ranger and so on.

他丰富多彩的简历和敢当“勤奋型演员”的雄心,可能来自于非正统的家庭背景。The eclectic CV and ambition to remain a “working actor” may stem from his unorthodox background.

他的剑术风格旁门左道,身体又经过机械增强,在近身格斗中占尽优势。His unorthodox fighting form and mechanical enhancements gave him an edge in close-quarter combat.

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现在,你或许会想联邦有关部门授予毒品商标权是,呃,有悖传统的。Now, you might think that a federal agency granting trademarks for pot would be, well, unorthodox.

上面的清单来自于一台膝上型电脑,所以它显示的结构与服务器有些不同。The above list was generated from a laptop, so it shows a rather unorthodox structure for a server.

跟大多数绝地不同,手握光剑时,加利亚采用非正统的姿势——单手反向持剑。Unlike most Jedi, Gallia adopted an unorthodox reverse one-handed grip when wielding her lightsaber.