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使用“记事本”文件。Use "Tickler" files.

挠痒者在绰号"镍币"上刺了个勾号。The tickler pricked atick on the nickname Nickel.

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挠痒者正在绰号“镍币”上刺了个勾号。The tickler pricked a tick on the nickname Nickel.

你也可以使用一个备忘录文件作为增补。You can also use a tickler file to supplement this.

做一个感兴趣任务的记录本以让自己关注它们。Keep a tickler file for the interesting tasks to stay focused.

简化你的任务,你就不需要这个时间提系统了。Simplify your commitments, and you don’t need a tickler system.

好邮件会被立即归档或者放入备忘录系统。The good mail is filed or put into a tickler system immediately.

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如果需要超过两分钟处理,除去那些在您的行动或备忘录文件。If it takes more than two minutes to do, but it in your Action or Tickler file.

之所以这么叫,是因为它的阴蒂挠痒附件的形状常常像一只兔子。So called, because the clitoral tickler attachment is often shaped like a rabbit.

兰坪氧化铅锌矿的选矿长久以来是选矿界的难题。The dressing of oxidized ore of zinc and lead in Lanping has been a tickler for a long time.

在我的提示系统或者日程表中安排每年有几天专门清理文件。I have a file cleanout day scheduled in my tickler file or calendar for once or twice a year.

你早上输入数据以后,笔记本文件就会自动提醒你这一天“要做的事”。When you log-on in the morning, the tickler file automatically reminds you of "things to do" for that day.

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当今社会,环境问题已经成为困扰人类生存与发展的世界难题。Today, the environmental problem has been a global tickler that badgers the human's survival and development.

企业转型路径的选择受到诸多错综复杂的因素影响,是一个理论和技术上的难题。Lot of intricate elements influence the paths of enterprise transformation. It is a tickler both in theory and technique.

记事本文件,也就是所谓的“43文件夹”方案,是很多人用的一种独特的文件整理方式。Tickler files, also known as the "43 folders" method, are a unique system that's used by many people for organizing files.

本文采用了DFT递推算法,能准确确定故障时刻,解决了存在多年的难题。Using a recursive algorithm of DFT, this thesis can locate fault time exactly, thus solved a tickler which had existed many years.

不管你是利用已经过时的4X6索引卡,还是电子记事本程序,你都可以创建一个有效程序来追踪日程和期限。Whether it is old-fashioned 4X6 index cards or an electronic tickler program, you must develop an effective system to track dates and deadlines.

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DNA鉴定解决了困扰司法鉴定多年的、以生物检材进行人身同一认定的技术难题。DNA identification solves the technology tickler that discriminated by the biological material and the tickler badger judicial identification so many years.

在作旅行中介时,他总结出一套“到期账簿”的方法,把一系列文件夹打上标签,按日期、周数、和月份划分,帮助人们按重要程度安排事物。By running a travel agency, he picked up the idea for a "tickler file," a series of folders labeled by day, week, and month that helps people prioritize tasks.

产业结构失衡状况和低级状态一直是困扰我国经济增长的难题,解决办法只能是合理化和高级化同时并举。Industrial structural imbalance and elementary state have always been a tickler in our economic growth, the only solution will be rationalization and upgrade simultaneously.