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但是,这种说法太乐观了。But that is too sanguine.

桑斯和梅建平对艺术的未来都相当乐观。Mei were fairly sanguine about the future of art.

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但是,如他在1969年写到,他的内心并不安详乐观。But, as he wrote in 1969, he was not so sanguine inside.

但是,中国目前的水资源状况却不容乐观。But, China at present water resource situation but Burong is sanguine.

杰罗姆•桑斯和梅建平对艺术的未来都相当乐观。Both Mr. Sans and Prof. Mei were fairly sanguine about the future of art.

北大的另一位专家,社会学家夏学銮就没有这麽乐观了。Xia Xueluan, a sociologist and Peking University colleague, was less sanguine.

历史提醒我们,对于酷毙的新玩意儿,我们无需恐慌,也不要过于乐观。History suggests we should not panic nor be too sanguine about cool new gizmos.

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木蚁是社会性动物,为血红林蚁充当奴隶。The wood ant is social, and acts as a slave for the blood-red ant Formica sanguine

但对于一个时装设计师来说,Giannini对待批评有着不寻常的乐观态度。But for a fashion designer, Giannini has an unusually sanguine attitude to criticism.

然而,不论新旧,范迪安对任何种类的艺术的未来更加乐观。Mr. Fan, however, is more sanguine about the future of all kinds of art, old and new.

但是,崇尚丰田模式的生产商可能被这种乐观结论所钳制.But that sanguine conclusion may come back to haunt Toyota's admirers in manufacturing.

来自里昂证券交易所的经纪人新的股票战略中也持乐观的前景预期。There is also a fairly sanguine outlook in a new equity strategy note from broker CLSA.

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残暴男子从容地把乐观的儿子往飞机库里的挂钩上猛撞。With sangfroid the sanguinary man bangs his sanguine son against the hanger in the hangar.

正是人们对猪肉的喜爱使肉贩黄汉进对猪肉价的压力表示乐观。It's that sort of devotion that keeps butcher Huang Hajin sanguine about pressure on prices.

一餐盛馔之后,他的人生观都能改变,对于什么都乐观起来。A sumptuous dinner can change their out look on life and make them sanguine about everything.

然而并非所有熟悉此项技术的研究人员对其前景都抱著乐观的态度。Not all researchers familiar with the technology are so sanguine about its prospects, however.

多数预测认为中国的崛起是不可避免的,但并非每个人都如此乐观。While most forecasts regard China's ascent as almost inevitable, not everybody is so sanguine.

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乐观人士指出这对企业的现金流没有影响,因为这种减值准备是非现金流项目。The sanguine point out that this has no effect on cashflow, since such charges are non-cash items.

一个乐观的篆刻家使灵巧和活跃的笔触而清醒的人总是整洁的。A sanguine seal engraver makes deft and buoyant strokes while a sober person makes careful and neat ones.

过去两周,市场经历了剧烈动荡,我们中的许多人或许希望也能像沃尔顿那样对自己的损失付之一笑。Given the wrenching swings of the past two weeks, many of us may wish we could be so sanguine about our own losses.