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想想看所有的路面。Think of all the pavement.

雨滴打在人行道上。Rain spatters on the pavement.

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铁环沿人行道滚动。The hoop rolled along the pavement.

他们决定在人行道上铺上水泥。They decided to cement the pavement.

不好意思,差点跌进路面。Excuse me. Falling into the pavement.

然后,他的车突然一个急转弯冲上了便道。His car then swerved up the pavement.

杰克不安的把脚趾在地上的鹅卵石上来回蹭着。Jack toed at a pebble on the pavement.

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我在人行道与小径交接的地方踢着路面。I toed the spot where curb met pavement.

惯性使汽车驶到了人行道上。Inertia carried the car to the pavement.

这条路的铺设材料是石头。Stone is the pavement to pave this road.

海军在多浪的大海上铺了一条路。The navy paved a pavement on the wavy sea.

禁止狗在人行道上便溺。Dogs are not permitted to foul the pavement.

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人行道在暑热中变得凹凸不平。The pavement heaved and buckled in the heat.

一些球迷就睡在外面的人行道上。Some fans have slept on the pavement outside.

后来我们走出茶室,在人行道上告别。Moments later we were on the pavement outside.

车辙是沥青路面的主要病害之一。Rut is one of main disease in asphalt pavement.

当她走在人行道上时她的鞋跟发出喀答声。Her heels clicked on the pavement as she walked.

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城市街道路面多处震裂、扭曲。Many city streets, shattered pavement and twisted.

工人们把人行道凿开埋煤气管道。The workmen broke up the pavement to lay gaspipes.

人行道上被踩实的雪已变成了冰。The compacted snow on the pavement turned into ice.