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玻璃纤维椅子是modernica的产品。the fiberglass chair is from modernica.

车身材料为玻璃纤维和碳纤维。The body is fiberglass and carbon fiber.

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小艇为一个1,2个人乘坐的小船,通常由塑料或玻璃钢制成。It could be made of plastic or fiberglass.

玻璃纤维增强砂轮网布。Fiberglass cloth reinforced for grinding whee.

因此,这个玻璃钢船体,我会再次使用它。So for this fiberglass hull I'll use it again.

金属轴玻纤肋骨和传播者。Metal shaft with fiberglass ribs and spreaders.

实心玻璃钢船壳。水线上PVC夹心材三明治结构。Solid Fiberglass Hull with PVC Cored Above Waterline.

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这些人体模型是由中空半透明的玻璃纤维制成的。THE mannequins were made of hollow translucent fiberglass.

玻璃纤维布或称方格布是由直接无捻粗纱机织而成。Woven Rovings are fiberglass fabric woven of direct rovings.

协同n9特点,一个持久的一块玻璃天蓬。The Synergy N9 features a durable one piece fiberglass canopy.

阿持久的方法是人工纤维岩瀑布。A durable alternative is an artificial fiberglass rock waterfall.

我们将看到什么我第一次精装玻璃模具将使我们。We will see what my first hardback fiberglass mold will bring us.

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1987年,新西兰帆船队采用以玻璃纤维为材料的帆船参赛,引来一场轩然大波。In 1987 New Zealand created a furor by racing in a fiberglass boat.

复合竿是由碳纤维和玻璃缸材料一起制造的。A composite rod is built with both graphite and fiberglass materials.

拉挤玻璃纤维有显着较高的强度-重量比。Pultruded fiberglass has significantly higher strength-to-weight ratio.

玻璃钢门的绝缘性能比木门要好。Fiberglass doors are also better insulators than wood in the first place.

玻璃纤维滑雪板适合任何雪质的雪地,但价格较高。Fiberglass skis in the snow for any snow quality, but the price is higher.

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天篷泡沫是加强与2层玻璃的内部。The canopy bubble is reinforced with 2 layers of fiberglass on the inside.

我们是国内最大保温及墙体增强玻璃纤维网与窗纱制造商之一。We are one of the largest producer of fiberglass mesh and screen in China.

张毓强一手创办的巨石集团是中国玻纤的核心企业。The core enterprise of China Fiberglass is Jushi Group which is built by Mr.