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在工厂和农场里,他们仍保留有事实上的奴工。They STILL have defacto SLAVE LABOR, in their factories, and on farms.

曾经,我没有成为俱乐部会员便成为了相当于主席。I once became the defacto President of a club without being a member first.

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受工具理性的支配,科技处于一种事实上的危机状态。Dominated by instrumental nous, science and technology is facing a defacto crisis.

同样,程序的主干非常成熟和稳定,并且已经被证实成为文本和程序编辑器的事实标准。As such, the program's backbone is highly seasoned, stable, and already proven as the defacto standard of text and programmer's editors.

随着网格计算技术的发展,开放网格服务体系结构成为网格体系结构的事实上的标准。With the development of grid computing technologies, Open Grid Services Architecture is becoming the defacto standard of grid architecture.

由于使用此反模式,点到点集成解决方案将作为企业的事实上的集成模式出现。As a result of using this antipattern, the point-to-point integration solution emerges as the defacto integration pattern for the enterprise.

然而,格鲁吉亚政府紧急开会,称俄罗斯的行动是实际上进行并吞程序的一部分。格鲁吉亚称这种行动是违反国际法的。The Georgian government, nonetheless, met in emergency session and called the Russian action part of a defacto annexation process violating international law.

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他们设立在达兰萨拉的“流亡政府”实际上是政教合一的,由达赖喇嘛直接纵的非“政府”。The so-called exile government situated in Dharamsala is a defacto theocratic government. And this illegal government is under the direct leadership of the Dalai Lama.

经过不断的传播,英语如今已然是世界上第二大使用最广的语言,许多语言学家都一致同意,英语实际上已经成为了世界的标准语言。The English language, which it spread, isthe second most-widely spoken language in the world today, and many linguisticsagree that English is the defacto standard language of the world.

这也是中国为什么不愿意人民币升值的一个原因。他们权力来源于持有高估了的美元,实际上却使中国的货币政策被美国财政部操纵着。This is another reason why China is loath to revalue, their source of power comes from holding USD's that are overvalued, which actually makes Chinese monetary policy defacto set by the US Treasury.