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祝福,合十,我是穆罕默德。Salu and Namaste, I AM Mohammed.

默罕默德·阿里是位拳击名手。Mohammed Ali is a boxing personality.

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佛祖,基督,毗湿奴,穆罕默德和亨利Buddha Christ Vishnu Mohammed and Henry

世界上使用最多的名字是”莫翰莫得”。The most common name in the world is Mohammed.

穆罕默德只是苏丹千千万万个穆罕默德中的一个。Mohammed is one of the million Mohammeds in Sudan.

此前为她治疗的是巴勒斯坦医生埃达。She was treated by Palestinian Doctor Mohammed Eida.

而这个头目正是哈立德·谢赫·穆罕默德。The official turned out to be Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

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一个比迪斯莱里更有名的例子是穆罕默德。An even more notable instance than Disraeli is Mohammed.

穆罕默德女士问到,“为何这要算到政府的头上?”Ms. Mohammed asked. “Why is that the government's fault?

这是公众能够看到的穆罕穆德最后的画面。This was the last image of Mohammed to be seen by the public.

据说,伊斯兰教的圣使名曰穆罕默德。As the story goes, the name of Islamic Great Prophet is Mohammed.

尤文图斯正联系着摩纳哥俱乐部的前锋穆罕默德·卡隆。Juventus are being linked with AS Monaco striker Mohammed Kallon.

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在风浪平静下来后,一个人朝我招手,他说他的名字叫穆罕默德。A man beckoned on me after the wind, he said his name was Mohammed.

除北京外,穆罕默德国王还将访问上海和香港。King Mohammed will also visit Shanghai and Hong Kong besides Beijing.

很高兴看到纳兹穆罕默德终于得到了他应得的认可!Nice to see Nazr Mohammed finally getting the recognition he deserves.

随后,他问我谁是上帝的先知,我答说是穆罕默德。Then he asked me who was the prophet of God, and I answered him Mohammed.

这里美国之音巴勒斯坦记者没哈默德大瓦斯来自加沙城的报道。Reporting for VOA from Gaza City is Palestinian journalist Mohammed Dawwas.

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穆罕默德苏丹,克拉码头,跻身世界大都会,乌节路。Near Mohammed Sultan, Clarke Quay, Great World City, Orchard Road, Killiney.

穆罕默德苏丹,克拉码头,跻身世界大都会,乌节路。Near Mohammed Sultan, Clarke Quay, Great World City, Orchard Road, Killinery.

埃及反对总统穆罕默德·穆尔西的抗议继续,目前已进入第四天。Protests continue in Egypt against President Mohammed Morsi for a fourth day.