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事实上你也在迪斯尼玩帆伞,这很容易做到。You can actually go parasailing at Walt Disney World.

飞鱼,水上滑翔伞一趟,摩托艇15分钟。Fly Fish, Parasailing for one round, Jet Ski for 15 minute.

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事实上你还可以在迪士尼做帆伞运动,这很容易的。You can actually go parasailing at Walt Disney World. It's easy to do.

如果你还想找更刺激的游乐项目,就去享受一下滑翔降落伞或是骑骑大笨象。Those looking for more excitement can go parasailing or take a ride on an elephant.

在此次五天假期里,阿鲁冈达看了一场大象表演,还玩了帆伞。This time, Mr. Anugonda's five-day vacation included an elephant show and parasailing.

在此次五天假期里,阿鲁冈达看了一场大象表演,还玩了帆伞。This time, Mr. Anugonda’s five-day vacation included an elephant show and parasailing.

说到寻求刺激和兴奋,伞是最好的解决办法为干渴。When it comes to seeking thrill and excitement, parasailing is the best solution for that thirst.

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伞是一种休闲运动,采用降落伞和小船,使球员去空降。Parasailing is a recreational sport that utilizes the parachute and a boat to make the player go airborne.

我的东西上周五晚在市中心埃克塞特认为是正确的了,有对我的畏惧调查表,与时代并进,我去。I did something last Friday night in downtown Exeter that was right up there on my fear scale with the time I went parasailing.

在朱美拉海滩,游客可以乘滑翔伞从200米的高空俯瞰地平线与迪拜全景。Visitors to JBR can also take to the skies with a parasailing ride, for perfect views of the horizon and Dubai from 200 metres in the air.

实际上在迪士尼乐园,你可以去滑翔伞。这个是很容易的,从码头出发,码头就在度假村后面。系上安全带上出发吧!You can actually go parasailing at Walt Disney world? It's easy to do . The trips launch from the docks just behind the contemporary resort. Just strap youself in!