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他们通常被称为兆赫。They are often called megahertz.

它的处理器是1MHZ的。It had a processor speed of one megahertz.

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作为一个兆赫是一千千赫相同。One megahertz is the same as one thousand kilohertz.

苹果电脑开发出G4芯片,其运行速度是500兆。Apple developed the G4 chip that runs at 500 megahertz.

一兆赫是每秒一百万周期的频率。One Megahertz is a frequency of one million cycles per second.

为帮助支付这项计划,联邦通信委员会想出售500兆赫的光谱。To help pay for the plan, the F. C. C. wants to sell 500 megahertz of spectrum.

人体的营养给予必须有一个最低谐振频率70兆赫。The nourishment given to the body must have a minimum resonating frequency of 70 megahertz.

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加工成型的石英晶体的频率可从几十千赫兹到数百兆赫兹。Quartz crystals are manufactured for frequencies from a few tens of kilohertz to hundreds of megahertz.

商业调频电台使用的频率,分布在88~108兆赫的波段内。Commercial FM broadcasting stations transmit their signals in the frequency range of 88 megahertz to 108 MHz.

该公司要求FCC为其开辟一段25兆赫兹的波道,以此为网民提供免费无线上网服务。The company asked the FCC to give it a national 25 megahertz slice of spectrum to offer free wireless-Internet services.

他们可以提供100兆赫带宽给远的用户和200兆赫带宽给近的用户在高峰水平。They can provide 100-megahertz bandwidth to far users and up to 200 megahertz of bandwidth to near users at peak levels.

大多数先进FPGA能够处理速度为数百兆赫兹的并行总线和具有工作在千兆赫兹范围的串行接口。Most advanced FPGAs can handle parallel bus speeds of hundreds of megahertz and have serial interfaces that operate in the gigahertz range.

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作为应用实例,该文给出了一个采用标准偏置隧道二极管实现的、混沌带宽达到数百兆赫兹的混沌电路。As an application example, a tunnel diode based Chua's circuit with standard DC bias is given, whose spectrum of chaotic signal has reached hundreds of megahertz.

在5月1940年,联邦电信交通委员会正式分配了42-50兆赫带到FM无线电广播,并且对新服务的申请倾吐了。In May of 1940, the Federal Communications Commission formally allocated the 42-50 megahertz band to FM radio broadcasting, and applications for the new service poured in.