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哦,耶酥啊,卡珊德拉。Oh for chrissake cassandra.

福尔先生和卡桑德拉才刚订婚。Mr. Fowle and Cassandra are only recently engaged.

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但是到了第二天早上,卡桑德醒悟了过来。But by the next morning, Cassandra had come around.

美联社在伦敦卡桑德拉Vinograd促成了这一报告。Associated Press writer Cassandra Vinograd in London contributed to this report.

此外,孩子们的课外活动就够Cassandra忙的了。Besides, Cassandra is busy enough coordinating the kids' extracurricular activities.

几分钟后,我们的钟点保姆来了,于是我和卡桑德拉出门吃晚餐。A few minutes later, our babysitter showed up, and Cassandra and I headed off to dinner.

格莱美获奖歌手和作曲家卡桑德拉威尔逊是一个旋律大师的流行音乐和爵士乐。Grammy-winning singer and composer Cassandra Wilson is a master of pop and jazz melodies.

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我们正在品尝过度相信的苦果,遭受着毫无凶兆的苦难。We are reaping the consequences of an excess of confidence, suffering for lack of a Cassandra.

几分钟之后,替我们照看孩子的保姆来了,于是,我和妻子卡桑德拉一起出去吃晚饭。A few minutes later, our babysitter showed up, and my wife Cassandra and I headed off to dinner.

我是在快到午夜之前离开的,当时卡桑德拉觉得无聊了,尽管杰夫的妻子看上去丝毫没有无聊的感觉。I left a little before midnight, when Cassandra got bored, even though Jeff's wife didn't look bored at all.

听她这么一说,我觉得应该向卡桑德拉道谢,另外还得谢谢她没有把这番话放进我们的结婚誓言里。Right then I felt grateful both for Cassandra and for the fact that she didn't put that in our wedding vows.

特洛伊国王,帕里斯、克托耳和卡桑德拉的父亲,在希腊人攻陷特洛伊城时被杀。The father of Paris, Hector, and Cassandra and King of Troy, who was killed whe his city fell to the Greeks.

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普里阿摩斯是''。'帕里斯'。'',赫克托和卡珊德拉的父亲,特洛伊的国王,在特洛里城被希腊人攻陷时被杀。The father of Paris, Hector, and Cassandra and king of Troy, who was killed when his city fell to the Greeks.

吃饭时,卡桑德拉去了趟洗手间,我坐在那里,手里没有电话,无法假装很忙活,我真不知道该做什么好。At dinner, when Cassandra went to the bathroom, I had no clue what to do without a phone to pretend to be busy with.

李普曼先生成为一个金融危机的卡桑德拉,出没在抵押贷款市场的裂缝,早在2006年。Mr. Lippmann emerged as a Cassandra of the financial crisis, spotting cracks in the mortgage market as early as 2006.

国王皮安姆被杀,赫克犹巴王后,她的女儿卡珊德拉及儿媳安德洛玛切都被充作了奴隶。King Priam was killed. Queen Hecuba, her daughter Cassandra and her daughter-in-law Andromache were all carried into slavery.

当我告诉我的爱妻卡桑德拉,我将要从电子世界里暂时消失后,她也很喜欢这个想法,于是她决定也参加进来。When I told my lovely wife Cassandra I'd be electronically disappearing, she liked the idea so much, she decided to do it too.

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当我告诉我可爱的妻子卡桑德拉我将在电子世界中消失24小时时,她非常喜欢这个主意,并决定参与其中。When I told my lovely wife Cassandra I’d be electronically disappearing, she liked the idea so much, and she decided to do it too.

“如果巴拉克真的想要这样,米歇尔会支持他并且做些必要的事情,”卡桑德拉巴茨说,他是奥巴马哈佛的同学。"If Barack really wants this, Michelle will support him and do what's necessary, " said Cassandra Butts, Obama's friend from Harvard.

不想路遇堵车,就在我们的断网断电实验刚刚进行了11分钟的时候,卡桑德拉提议打开电话,联系饭店,说我们晚到一会儿。We were 11 minutes into our experiment when, sitting in traffic, Cassandra suggested we call the restaurant to tell them we’d be late.