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史密斯先生,一个真正的绅士,总是对穷人行善。Mr. Smith , a true gentlemen, is always beneficent to poor.

犹如为了解释地质板块的移动,而牵扯上帝仁泽万物来附会。It is to fabricate a beneficent God to explain geological movements.

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但是,他们似乎想都没想要在慈善方面做点什么。But, they want to did not want what to do in beneficent respect it seems that.

每一天结束的时候,仁慈的太阳神——拉神都从天堂游走到地狱。When each day is done, Atum-Ra, beneficent god of the sun, descends from the sky.

被限制在烘烤用具仁慈的栅条后的油煎锅似乎已活动不开手脚。The frying-pan seemed to be held, inactive, behind the beneficent bars of the broiler.

在其中其政府的善意行为将被深深体验并认可。that in which the beneficent action of its Government will be most deeply felt and acknowledged.

它出于好心借给美国钱的日子就要到头了。Its days of lending to the United States out of the goodness of its beneficent heart are just about over.

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你想要各种形式的满足,给你你想要的事物,你称之为善行。What you want is gratification in different forms, and that which can give it to you, you call beneficent.

如此你的生活平静,普天之下百姓的生活也同样安宁平静,那就功德无量了。If your life is peaceful and the life of people under the sun is peaceful too, you are boundless beneficent.

可惜历史并没有保证那更人道、更慈善的生活方式必然获胜。Unfortunately history offers no guarantee that a more humane and beneficent style of life inevitably prevails.

期间还在勤工助学部工作并且参加了给贫困孩子送爱心的活动。And also I joined "part-work and part-study system "department and some beneficent activities to help poor children.

这是不现实的,邪恶思想的力量就像好的和有益的思想的力量一样,是很重大的。This is far from true, and the power of wicked thoughts, just as the power of good and beneficent thoughts, is great indeed.

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他不明白那些人哪儿来的那么多东西可写,想着想着又在躺椅上打起吃来。"That dead men rise up never! "That line stirred him with a profound feeling of gratitude. It was the one beneficent thing in the universe.

电影中的独白,它清楚地把老人的内心世界展现给了人们。他是如此的平和和慈祥,却又如此的勇敢和无所畏惧。The soliloquy of movie clearly showed us the old man's inward world. It is not only so peaceful and beneficent, but also brave and beneficent.

由于这一点我们的经历显然证实了它,并且还加强了我们的自我形象,而且一种恶性循环或者一种良性循环,像实际情况是的那样,被建立起来。Because of this our experiences seem to verify, and thereby strengthen our self-images, and a vicious or a beneficent cycle, as the case may be, is set up.

如果能绕湖而行,便能得到渊博的知识和无量功德,并舍去恶习及痛苦,最后获得正果。If you walk around the lake, you can gain wide knowledge, countless meritorious and beneficent deeds, give up the bad habits and pain, and reach enlightenment.

瑞星随后还将聚合八千万瑞星用户、数百家互联网合作伙伴的力量,为灾区同胞提供多方面的支持。Lucky star this beneficent sale of work is from capital supportive disaster area rebuilds merely, continuance " spirit of relieve the people in disaster " begin.

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有没有可能在二、三十年后我们回首现在,会迷惑不解为什么沐浴在如此慷慨的辐射能下还会遇到能源上的问题?。Could it be possible that in two or three decades we will look back and wonder why we ever thought we had a problem when we are bathed in such beneficent radiant energy?

有大量的证据表明,其它一些不那么悲悯的动机有时候也会驱动这个机制,随心所欲的乱来一通。There is a good deal of evidence that other and less beneficent motives sometimes make its wheels go round, tinker with its governors, and handle monkey wrenches carelessly.

修行者绕湖而行,便可得到无量的功德和渊博的知识,并能舍去自身的恶习和痛苦。Walking around the lake, the Buddhists can gain immeasurable meritorious, beneficent deeds and erudite knowledge. In this way they can also get rid of their bad habit and pain.