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不,苔丝。Tess did not expostulate.

因行为不当我向她提出告诫。I expostulate with her on the impropriety.

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他想要单刀直入,劝告她。He wanted to plunge in and expostulate with her.

你不曾就这个问题忠告过她吗?Didn't you ever expostulate with her on the subject?

他们指出他的计划有风险,劝他放弃。They expostulate with him about the risk involve in his plan.

她抗议她丈夫经常在床上抽烟。She expostulate with her husband about his habit of smoking in bed.

父亲就他孩子辍学的愚蠢行为对他进行规劝。The father expostulate with his son about the foolishness of leaving school.

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有一个家长到学校来为他儿子的考试成绩和老师争辩。One of the parents came to the school to expostulate about his son's examination results with the teacher.

不料小翠的恶作剧,却阴差阳错帮助王家躲过王给谏的陷害,并且整治了贪官。Unexpectedly small emerald green mischief, however a strange combination of circumstances helps Wang Jia escape king the circumvent that gives expostulate with, and punish corrupt official.

在上古时,国家政治结构中血缘的纽带比较重要,劝谏主要是以“直谏”的形式出现的。In the earlier ancient times of China, the consanguineous bond was very important in the political structure. When the ministers wanted to expostulate to the ruler, they always admonished frankly.