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他是个顽固的老家伙。He's one Bullheaded old bastard.

顽固的人听不进劝告。A bullheaded person listens to no persuasion.

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当你坚持已见时,你是顽固的。When you take a stand , you are being bullheaded.

男人是如此可笑的死脑筋和顽固不化。Most people think you are stubborn and bullheaded.

这孩子从小就倔,有一股牛性子。The kid has been obstinate and bullheaded from his childhood.

特利这么顽固,他听不进别人的意见。Terry is so bullheaded that he can not listen to anyone's opinion.

在英语里顽固这个词在指这类人的时候也有这种类似的意思。The word bullheaded in English has a similar meaning when referring to such a person.

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当年的一切都只是一个错误的约定,一些冥顽与自傲的人所做的冲动的承诺。Everything is a wrong date which is an impulsive promise made by bullheaded and proud people.

常用堵剂中冻胶成本低廉、封堵对油水具有选择性、可笼统注入,适合于海上油田堵水。Because of the feature of low cost and disproportional permeability reducing for oil and water, Gel is suitable for bullheaded water shutoff.

我的性子跟父亲一样固执,我逃到加州大学,在那儿爱上了一个在美国本土出生的我们称之为白种人的外族人。As bullheaded as my father, I escaped to the University of California, where I fell in love with a haole, as we called Caucasians from the mainland.