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钩与钩眼?Hook and eye?

从这里出发,看世界。The eye on earth.

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他向我抛媚眼。He gave me glad eye.

她向我眉目传情。She gave me the eye.

猫的眼睛是克图。Cats Eye is for Ketu.

他由一双为艺术而生的眼睛。He has an eye for art.

那些精灵剜去了我的眼睛。The Elves took my eye.

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将唇线笔用作眼线笔?Lip liner as eye liner?

她眼睛睁开一条缝。She cracks open an eye.

当心眼珠子!Beware of eye pupil son!

她的眼睛流露出喜悦之情。Her eye beamed with joy.

那是你的靶心吗?Is that your bull's eye?

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那人有一只眼瞎了。The man has a blind eye.

其中就有眼霜的!Among them the eye cream!

树熊睁开一只眼,哇!The koala opened one eye.

光电管能起到眼睛的作用An electric eye can sense.

使眼睛湿润--象蒙上潮雾。And a mist before the eye.

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每天做护眼操。Do eye exercise every day.

他在战争中瞎了一只眼睛。He lost an eye in the war.

滴眼药水」的使用方法。How to Use Your Eye Drops?