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他们企图把他们宗派主义的宣传强加给马克思主义者。They tried to force their factional preachings on the Marxists.

党派政治在对这些问题的处理上已彻底破败。Factional politics has failed utterly to deal with these problems.

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张闻天也参加了高岗的宗派活动。Chang Wen-tien, too, participated in Kao Kang's factional activities.

闹派性的人大部分是可以教育过来的。The majority of people engaging in factional activities can be educated.

该城长期以来一直是民族争端的地域。The city has long been the scene of bitter factional fighting. Population, 509,000.

这座港口城市拥有一座石油制品工厂,而且是该地区受到教派冲突暴力影响最为严重的地带。The port town is home to a petroleum-products plant and the worst factional violence in the region.

后来因抗战局势的发展和国民党内部派系的争权斗争而流产。But later, the Anti-Japanese war developed rapidly, and factional struggle within the KMT and abortion.

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我们一定要建设一个集中的统一的党,一切无原则的派别斗争,都要清除干净。We must build a centralized unified party and make a clean sweep of all unprincipled factional struggles.

我们一定要建设一个集中的统一的党,一切无原则的派别斗争,都要清。We must build a centralized, unified Party and make a clean sweep of all unprincipled factional struggles.

他们坚持原来的帮派思想,有一套煽惑性和颠覆性的政治主张。First, they cling to their old factional mentality andarepolitically subversive, agitating againsttheParty.

米玛塔尔的公司现在会出售以往没有的势力型碳铅弹和贫铀弹。Minmatar corporations now have access to missing factional Carbonized Lead and Depleted Uranium ammunition.

现在政府坐拥巨额现金储备,这成了派系斗争的目标所在。Now the government is sitting on massive cash reserves which have already become the object of factional fighting.

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或者是领导层派系争斗或者是个人恩怨导致这二人下台,在这些争斗中,指控对方贪污腐化是惯用的杀手锏。Or it may be the upshot of a high-level factional or personal battle, in which corruption charges are often a favourite weapon.

张居正改革一方面延缓了明帝国的灭亡,另一方面也加剧了党争。Zhang Ju-zheng Reforming on the one hand retards the bright empire perishes, on the other hand intensified the factional strife.

观察家从分析最近的派系间的冲突中警告,泰国有进入暴民政治的危险。The latest factional violence ­follows warnings from some observers that the country is in danger of slipping into a "mobocracy".

如果派系斗争爆发,而你的关系人正处于不利的一方,这种关系实际上会损害生意。Connections can actually damage your business if a factional fight breaks out and your well-connected partner is on the wrong side.

2007年6月,经过一场短暂却血腥的派别战争,哈马斯夺取了加沙的控制权,赶走了忠于阿巴斯的亲法塔赫军队。In June 2007, after a brief but bloody factional war, Hamas seized control of Gaza, routing the pro-Fatah forces loyal to Mr. Abbas.

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在民国时期的大学院和大学区制的变革最终失败的过程中,派系斗争是其失败的重要原因。Factional struggle played an important role in the final failure of the system reform of university institute and university district.

金正日还没有确立明确的继承人这一事实表明,还没有候选人获得足够的支持来变成不二人选。That Kim Jong-il has not yet anointed an heir implies that no candidate has yet built enough factional support to become the clear choice.

所以即便在人事倾轧最严重的地方,她仍能八面玲珑,如鱼得水。Even if therefore engages in factional strife the most serious place at the human affairs, she still could being slick, like a fish in water.