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玛丽恩一定非常为你骄傲。Marian must be very proud of you.

现在你可以走了,然后把玛丽恩带进来。You may go now and bring Marian in.

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“采访结束了,”玛里安说。“This interview is over, ” Marian says.

玛丽安取笑乔治的大眼镜。Marian teased George about his big glasses.

你不能改变一个传奇,那为什么要杀死Marian呢?You can not change a legend so why kill Marian?

我真希望你把她带来了,我早就想看看玛丽恩。I do wish you had. I would have liked to see Marian.

今天,我们向你讲完玛丽安.安德森的故事。Today, we complete the story of singer Marian Anderson.

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第三章着重分析玛丽安重生为主体的过程。Chapter three focuses on the rebirth of Marian as subject.

安德森一家太穷,请不起人教玛利亚。The Andersons were too poor to pay someone to teach Marian.

玛丽安不想买华丽的花,只想要色泽柔和可以触摸的花。Marian wanted no grand flowers, only the soft and touchable.

马克和马丽安进了一家餐馆,想吃英国食品。Mark and Marian enter a restaurant to have some British food.

玛利安是个自大者,她总是谈论着自己。Marian is such an egotist that she talks about herself all the time.

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玛丽安逐渐喜欢上歌剧,因为歌剧既有演唱还有表演。Marian Anderson grew to love opera, because it joined singing and acting.

玛里安让那对年轻夫妇帮忙做翻译。Marian asks the young couple to translate for Chita, and they agree to stay.

玛丽安说她向来很自然地演唱,没有想如何去唱的问题。Marian said she always sang naturally, without any thought of how she did it.

米洛斯拉夫·马利安·克洛泽,向着罗纳尔多的世界杯进球记录努力吧。Miroslav Marian Klose, strive to get beyond Ronaldo's record in the World Cup.

不久,玛丽安的鼾声响了起来,但是伊茨过了好久才入睡,才忘记刚才的一切。Marian was soon snoring, but Izz did not drop into forgetfulness for a long time.

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玛丽安学习古典音乐,这些古典音乐都是欧洲伟大的作曲家的歌曲。Marian learned to sing classical music -- the songs of the great European composers.

劳娜被直升飞机运送到衣阿华州苏城附近的玛丽安健康中心治疗。The young woman was airlifted to the Marian Health Center in nearby Sioux City Iowa.

三次世界冠军罗马尼亚选手玛丽安-德勒古列斯库在做他的第二个串时摔倒。Three-time world champ Marian Dragulescu of Romania fell on his second tumbling pass.