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那条鳗鱼扭身滑走。The eel wriggled away.

快乐好象小鳝鱼。And squirms like an eel.

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鳝鱼的味道很好。The taste of eel is delicious.

鲨鱼,鲤鱼和鳗鱼都是鱼。Shark, carp, and eel are fishes.

更可能是鹿肉、禽肉和鳗鱼。More like venison, fowl, and eel.

那条鳝鱼从我的指缝间滑走了。The eel wriggled out of my fingers.

每个夏天美洲鳗都出去找吃的。Each summer the eel goes out for his meal.

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但是你有没有试过把一条滑油油的鳗鱼放到床上?But did you ever try to keep an eel in bed?

日本人未必就一定喜欢吃鳝鱼。Japanese person doesn't necessarily like eel.

这条鳗鱼在这艘沉船里游进游出。The eel slithered in and out of the sunken ship.

可能是修鳗,不过也有可能是条蛇。It could be an eel , but it could also be a snake.

一条海鳝静静地在海绵中守候猎物自己上门。Waiting for a meal, a moray eel hides in a sponge.

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当心那个小贩,他油滑得很。Beware of that peddler, for he is slippery as an eel.

鳗鱼为鳗鲡科动物鳗鱼的肉或全体。Thee eel is the eel li branch animal eel's meat or all.

电鳗会用轻微电流电它的猎物。The electric eel stuns its prey with slight electricity.

供应各种规格的高品质烤鳗鱼,对虾,鱼片。Offer all kinds of specific roasted eel prawn and fillet.

供应各种规格的高品质烤鳗鱼,对虾,鱼片。Offer all kinds of specific roasted eel prawn and fillet.

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龙虾与海鳗两者完全不能相比。There 's absolutely no comparison between lobster and eel.

正如雷切尔·卡尔森评论的那样,鳗鱼是“黑暗的情人”。As Rachel Carson observed, the eel is "a lover of darkness."

培养皿中一周大的鳗鱼苗在蓝色灯光下发光。A weeks-old eel larva in a petri dish glows under blue light.