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孕酮是极佳的安眠药。Progesterone is a great sleeping pill.

或许你的磁性激素水平和黄体酮水平现在有点不均衡了。Could be your estrogen and progesterone levels are not balanced.

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结果孕酮刺激骨钙素基因表达及其合成。Results Progesterone stimulated osteocalcin gene expression and production.

但是转移到人身上,每日注射孕酮既痛苦又昂贵。But for women, daily injections of progesterone would be painful and costly.

在经期前以及经期间,孕激素和雌性激素会减少。Just before and during your period, levels of progesterone and estrogen decrease.

孕酮联合奥曲肽对A549细胞的生长具有更强的抑制作用。Progesterone enhances the ability of octreotide to inhibit the growth of A549 cells.

如果您有这些症状,您应该考虑改变向孕酮只有丸。If you have these symptoms, you should consider changing to the progesterone only pill.

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愈来愈多的研究人员相信,普维拉替代黄体激素的效果很差。A growing number of researchers believe that Provera is a poor substitute for progesterone.

RU486是一种新型抗孕激素催经止孕药。RU486 is a steroid analogue with high affinity for progesterone and glucocorli-coid receptors.

黄体酮为孕激素,在动物发情周期中起调控作用。Progesterone is a hormone with different actions dependent on the period in the oestrous cycle.

孕酮可调节蜕膜细胞活性肾素的合成与分泌。The synthesis and secretion of active renin were regulated by progesterone in incubated decidual cells.

但是,如果真的有关系的话,她怀疑妊娠激素,如雌激素和黄体酮可能要承担全部责任。But if there is one, she suspects pregnancy hormones such as estrogen and progesterone might be to blame.

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看婴儿怎样引发女人释放黄体酮,玩具熊就也能产生同样的效果。Seeing the baby causes the release of progesterone hormone in women and the toy bear has the same effect.

但是,如果真的有关系的话,她怀疑妊娠激素,如雌激素和黄体酮可能要承担全部责任。But if there is one, she suspects pregnancy hormones such as estrogen and progesterone might be to blame.

这些说明孕酮只有在一定浓度范围内才会发挥其促进精子获能及顶体反应的发生。These explains that progesterone only will proceed sperm capacitity an acrosome reaction in certain scope.

牡荆是有益的正常化脑垂体功能和平衡的雌激素和黄体酮的水平。Vitex is useful in normalizing pituitary gland functions and the balance of progesterone and estrogen levels.

这个结果能判断为卵巢多囊症吗?,吃黄体酮胶丸呢,需要多长时间。The results can be judged as polycystic ovarian syndrome do? , Progesterone capsules eat it, how long it takes.

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这些激素-女孩分泌雌激素和黄体激素,男孩分泌雄激素-引起了青少年身体的变化。These hormones —estrogen and progesterone in girls and testosterone in guys —cause physical changes in the body.

避孕药和避孕环会影响雌激素和孕激素水平,并且对于一些妇女来说可能会减轻哮喘的症状。Birth control pills and shots affect estrogen and progesterone levels and may ease asthma symptoms in some women.

并讨论了药物引起黄体细胞形态学变化与卵巢孕酮生物合成受阻的关系。The relation between morphological changes of lutea cells and the biosynthesis of progesterone is also discussed.