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你是否会颤抖?Would Uyou tremble.

我要看着他浑身战抖。I shall see him tremble.

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我的心灵开始轻轻地战栗……My heart began to tremble.

现在我颤抖地念出你的名字。Now I tremble at your name.

树叶在微风中抖动。The leaves tremble in the breeze.

我颤抖起来,犹如那接近雷电的水I tremble as water does near thunder

看着颤抖着的窗户就要掉进房间Seeing the window tremble to come in

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他们颤抖着推开了街门。In a tremble they opened the street door.

进来看我的内心吧,亲一爱一的朋友,你应颤栗。Look in my heart, kind friends, and tremble.

即使受到最严厉的申斥,他也不发抖。After the severest reprimand , he did not tremble.

他们看见农民的梭镖就发抖。They tremble at the sight of the peasants' spears.

我看到这景象时,感受到的就是这种程度的颤栗。And I felt just this tremble when I saw this scene.

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苏宁那只握着我的手,不自觉地抖了一下。Su Ning's holding my hand, not consciously tremble.

突然我们感到周围的大地在颤抖。All of a sudden we felt the earth tremble around us.

采用内藏式水冷高速电主轴,低噪音,低震动。Low noise low tremble water-cooled electric spindle.

在我们的怒火面前,就连那些龙也会战栗!The dragons themselves will tremble before our wrath!

我看到你听到那话后马上身子发抖,脸色也变了。I have seen you tremble and lose countenance at a word.

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患有糖尿病和溃疡的塔米莎不禁冷得开始打颤。Tamitha, who had diabetes and ulcers, began to tremble.

猎户星座里的每一颗星星似乎都因了我的呼吸而颤动。Each star in Orion seemed to tremble and stir with my breath.

她每打一枪,就可以看到百叶帘在颤动。The slats of the blind could be seen to tremble at every shot.