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未来,创造一个红色矩形框。Next, create a red rectangular box.

其余的都是正方形或长方形的。The rest are square or rectangular.

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矩形网格上二维分配职位。Allocate positions on a rectangular 2d grid.

可指定是圆形管或矩形管。Circular or rectangular duct can be specified.

在大床的附近有一个长方形桌子。There is a big rectangular table near the bed.

表单的设计视图显示矩形网格。The form's design view shows rectangular cells.

丽莲要画一个长方锥体。Lillian wants to draw a rectangular base pyramid.

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你能将长方体整入方孔吗?Can you get a rectangular cube into a square hole?

该柱形火盆的基座是方型砌砖样式的。The base of the column is rectangular with brick styling.

单向阀有直通式和直角式两种。A straight-through one-way valves and rectangular Type two.

在实践中,这是一个长方形的显存部分。In practice, it is a rectangular portion of the video memory.

距离是指由距矩形区域的中心开始测量。Distances are measured from the center of the rectangular area.

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矩形的框就象是环形的跑道,与体育联系在一起。Rectangular box like a ring-shaped runway, and sports together.

高大的烽火台宛如一座长方形的小城堡,防守严密。Tall beacon tower as a rectangular small castle, tight defense.

长方形的形式使小香皂或肥皂的大砖。The forms make small rectangular soaps or large bricks of soap.

是一种直角回转结构的高级控制阀。Is a rectangular structure of the advanced rotary control valve.

现在,假设有100座冰屋排成长方格形状。Now suppose there are 100 igloos arranged in a rectangular grid.

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矩形包边的角上应该有一点圆形。The corners of the rectangular inset should be slightly rounded.

每个栉板都是纤毛组成的矩形的桨。Each comb plate is a simple rectangular paddle composed of cilia.

本文介绍了一种新的T形排列条形浮阀塔板。This paper introduces a new T-arrangement rectangular float valve.