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太阳黑子进入冬眠期?Sunspot Hibernation?

暴走熊妈妈要去冬眠了。Mama bear is going into hibernation.

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蛰是藏的意思。Hibernation is the meaning of possession.

现在我要在这里聊的就是冬眠。What I’m talking about here is hibernation.

有些动物不需要冬眠也能过冬。Some animals can overwinter without the hibernation.

PC休眠和唤醒都正常了。PC hibernates and wakes up from hibernation properly.

鼠兔在漫长的冬眠后被粗鲁的唤醒。Pikas get a rude awakening from their long hibernation.

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我觉得我就像是跟一群熊在一起生活。Hibernation. I still feel like I’m living with a bunch of bears.

运用Intel快速启动技术,可以快速从休眠状态下恢复Fast start-up from hibernation with Intel’s Rapid Start technology

“实际上,”过了一会儿,她说道,“我们已经被困在这里过冬了。"In fact, " she said after a while, "We have gone into hibernation.

非季节性的雨会导致动物提前出冬眠。Unseasonal rains can make animals come out of hibernation too early.

我可以想像我们暧昧的情欲从冬眠的蛰伏中开始苏醒,希望开始萌动。I could imagine our sex life coming out of hibernation. Hope bloomed.

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连小松鼠们估计都在准备过冬了。The squirrels probably are getting ready for their winter hibernation.

汉在碳凝棺中进入了完全的冬眠状态。Han was encased in carbonite, where he remained in perfect hibernation.

近期反常的暖冬气候扰乱了熊正常的冬眠。The recent unseasonably-warm weather has disturbed the bears' hibernation.

维生素注射在任何情况下对龟龟冬眠是没有帮助的。Vitamin injections in any case do not help tortoises to survive hibernation.

感谢冬眠效应吧,因为它让你享受到了一个完全值得的慵懒的一天。Give thanks to the Hibernation Effect as you enjoy a fully deserved lazy day.

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冬季里,情绪开始摆荡,产生“冬眠效应”,感觉一无所有。Winter begins the mood swings, the hibernation effect and the lack of everything.

而此时此刻,地球另一端的北极,新生的北极熊宝宝从冬眠的洞穴中钻出了脑袋。Meanwhile, the sun brightens the far north and the polar bears come out of hibernation.

六名探索号组员并不担心休眠的问题。The sixth member of the Discovery crew was not concerned about the problems of hibernation.