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前进的道路是曲折的。The pace of progress is staggering.

他像一个酒鬼摇摇晃晃。He was staggering about like a wino.

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他慢慢儿地-摇晃着-勉力撑起。With slow and staggering effort he arose.

说起这事…而我才刚晃到健身房。Speaking of that, staggering up to the gym.

他说,“整个体制由于缺乏效率而步履蹒跚。The system is staggering in its inefficiency.

他已半醉,走路有点摇摇晃晃。He was half in the bag and staggering slightly.

中国以惊人的速度吃透了资本主义。China has learned capitalism at a staggering rate.

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但我们所掌握的词量依然令人吃惊But still, the amount of words we know is staggering.

这个巨大的消费市场的潜力是惊人的。The potential for a huge consumer market is staggering.

你弟弟干吗那样在房间里晃来晃去?Why is you brother staggering about the room like that?

他对20世纪福音派运动的冲击是令人惊奇的。His impact is staggering on 20th century evangelicalism.

醉汉摇摇拔晃地站起来时发出一声大笑。Staggering to his feet, the drunkard bellowed out a laugh.

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说到会员的职业,其范围之广更是令人惊诧不已。As far as occupations are concerned, the range is staggering.

大厅监视者的震耳咆哮伤害显著降低。Chamber Overseer's Staggering Roar does considerably less damage.

她的火山喷薄出让人害怕的火花,烟雾和灰烬。Her volcano belched a staggering mount of fire, smoke, and ashes.

那火山喷出大量的火、烟和灰尘。The volcano belched a staggering mount of fire, smoke, and ashes.

达德利日记里描述的得救情形,委婉得让人震惊。Dudley describes their rescue in his diary with staggering euphemism.

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三枪中的任何一枪都没使这个士兵受到什么惊人的枪伤。The soldier received no staggering wound from any of the three shots.

摇摆不定的数据表明了为什么麦迪需要更靠近篮圈。The staggering totals indicate why McGrady needed to get to the hoop.

惊人的周围,不能打开你的眼睛不好,失去方向感,脾气暴躁。Staggering around, can't open your eyes properly, disorientated, grumpy.