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拥有富裕的矿藏的加丹加省现已能看到大规模的开采场面。Mineral-rich Katanga province has seen large-scale scooping and shovelling.

Katanga计划将其刚果铜和钴资产的开发时间缩短两年。Katanga plans to accelerate development of its copper and cobalt assets in Congo by two years.

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从加丹加省省会发来的报道指出,至少三名袭击者被捕。Reports from the Katanga Province capital say at least three of those attackers have been arrested.

加丹加省卡莱米-如果有任何人像15个月大的婴儿那样脆弱的话,这个人就是她守寡的母亲。Kalemie Katanga – If there is anyone as vulnerable as a 15-month-old baby, it is her widowed mother.

卢本巴希最受欢迎的餐厅加丹加炸鸡,如今有三个中国竞争对手。Katanga Fried Chicken, hitherto Lubumbashi's most popular restaurant, now has three busy Chinese competitors.

力拓、Freeport、Katanga等公司难以应对绷得过紧的资产负债表,都纷纷削减了资本支出。Rio, Freeport, Katanga and other companies all cut capital expenditures as they struggled with stretched balance sheets.

由于其采矿业的潜力,加丹加省自己就需要在目前已获得的1,424兆瓦的基础上再增加800兆瓦电力。The Katanga province alone, with its mining potential, needs 800 MW in addition to the 1,424 MW that it currently receives.

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这次选举存在组织上的问题Kasai和Katanga省发生了数起暴力事件。There were some organisational problems with the election and several incidents of violence in Kasai and Katanga provinces.

金沙萨和加丹加目前一共缺少1,400兆瓦的电力,而因加的全部人口目前才只享有1,750兆瓦!Together Kinshasa and Katanga currently have a shortfall of 1,400 MW, while the entire production at Inga is currently at 1,750 MW!

刚果采矿领域的很大部分早已被一群围在卡比拉先生的精英控制,他们中的许多人来自于富有矿产的加丹加省。Much of Congo's mining sector is already controlled by an elite surrounding Mr Kabila, many of whom are from the mineral-rich province of Katanga.

截至2008年年中,45万国内流离失所者已经返回加丹加省的家园,许多人打算恢复农业和渔业。As of mid-2008, 450 000 internally displaced persons had returned home to Katanga province, many with the intention of resuming farming and fishing.

大约三年前和平重返加丹加南部,当时正值该省许多矿井的铜、钴和其他矿石价格飙升。Peace returned to southern Katanga about three years ago just as the price soared for the copper, cobalt and other minerals from the province's many mines.

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在诸如刚果民主共和国的加丹加省和北基伍省,这个问题确实给各级政府、援助机构和捐助国带来了真正的挑战。In places like Katanga and North Kivu provinces in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the question poses a real challenge to governments, aid agencies and donors.