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秋水长天。Sky water.

蓝蓝的天。Blue the sky.

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传给我。超帅天钩!Hit me. Sky hook!

举头三尺只有蓝天。Above us only sky.

高高地飞在天空上面。High up in the sky.

把酒问青天。I ask the blue sky.

星星散布在天空上。Stars stud the sky.

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天塌下来了!The sky is falling!

蓝天创意有限公司。Blue Sky e-shop Ltd.

天空多蓝啊!How blue the sky is!

我爱蓝蓝的天。I love the blue sky.

天阴了。The sky is overcast.

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即天庆节。The sky kei section.

耸立在刮风的天空下。Stark in a windy sky.

天色灰蒙蒙的。The sky was overcast.

就连天空也不见影踪。Even the sky was gone.

茫茫然苍天如大海。The sky a sea as well.

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要是天气转晴的话。When the sky is clear.

鹰击长空。Eagles cleaved the sky.

他的家被炸飞了天。His home blew sky high.