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但我是英国人。but I'm from the UK.

这其中包括英国。That includes the UK.

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英国今天数据良莠不齐。The UK data was mixed today.

伊萨克·朱利?,-他是英国人。Issac June? -He's from the UK.

喊出来,住在伦敦,英国。Shout It Out live in London, UK.

我离开中国刚回到英国一天。I'm a day into the UK from China.

鞋码请给我英国码。Pls give me the UK Size of shoes.

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在英国压片机。Tabletting machine within the UK.


这是一艘有着象征意义的船。So think Harriers like the UK has.

而在我们英国,也有同样的问题。But we have the same problem in UK.

Cifas还经营着 also runs

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英国没有成文宪法。The UK has no written constitution.

联合王国由四个国家组成。The UK is made up of four countries.

请问有冇英国和欧洲地图档案呀?。DO you have UK and Europe map files ?

在英国,你们靠左边驾驶。In the UK you drive on the left side.

它居住在英国的南威尔士。She is now living in South Wales, UK.

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你怎么申请英国的大学?How do you apply to college in the UK?

英国取缔酒桌游戏严打豪饮之风。Out go drinking games in UK crackdown.

联合王国是由四部分组成的。The "UK" is made up of four countries.