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他出生在五月十日的晚上。He was born onthe night of May 10th.

她的新录的唱片名为“瞬间”。Her new record is onthe jiffy label.

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艾丽丝总想在这项活动中充当主要角色。Alice is always wanting to get in onthe act.

餐台上有一个苹果和两个梨。There is an apple and two pears onthe babie.

这个两岁的小女孩往馒头上涂了许多果酱。The two -year-old girl slapped jam onthe bun.

你将会在第一个灵界复活。You will be resurrected onthe first mansion world.

第一学期课程是学习法律。The Law. This is a first-semester course onthe law.

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为什么我不能设置同一名球员的前拉线和后拉线?。Why can't Ihave farrow anda barrow onthe same player?

最终,他愤怒地把拍子摔到地上。At the end he cracked his racket onthe ground in fury.

想象自己是一位站在舞台上的戏剧演员。Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play onthe stage.

天上万里无云,月光洒在湖面上泛起微微的光芒。The sky was clear, and moonlight was shimmering onthe lake.

我做着这种旋涡式的手势,模仿着屏幕上这些光点的移动方式。My hand made swirling motions, mimicking the action onthe monitors.

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他们的生活方式被陆地上的人谑称为“水上吉普赛部落”。They are called the "Gypsies on water" by people living onthe land.

维修之后重要遗骸和盈余物留在了领地上。After maintenance the main remains and remainders remain onthe domain.

年轻人头戴侧面写有“我是安纳”字样的甘地式帽子。Young men sport white Gandhi caps with “I am Anna” penned onthe sides.

相反,在1995年,只有一条鱼,但是渔船很多。Onthe contrary, in 1995 there was only one fish, but many fishing-boats.

上周四这样的残忍景象发生在厦门白城市的海滩上。The cruel scene unfolded Thursday last week onthe Xiamen Baicheng city beach.

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她把灯芯捻低,取下灯罩,对着发蔫的火头哈了口气。She turned the wick down, lifted off the globe, and breathed onthe sulky flame.

要不点开看正文,谁知道说的是真海盗啊!Who knew it was dealing with real piracy until I clicked through onthe article?

轰鸣的桨击中了船上碗柜上的粗拙键盘。The roaring oar hit the coarse keytbellyle onthe cuptbellyle atbellyle the liner.