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汽车有防锈的外层。The car has a rustproof coating.

防锈金属花边硬件的寿命和耐用性。Rustproof metal lace hardware for longevity and durability.

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不锈钢制品因为能防锈,所以很受。Stainless products are always popular because they’re rustproof.

它由防锈的回火钢制成,具有缎光表面。It is made of rustproof tempering steel with a satin-finish surface.

清洗区和水路系统全部采用不锈钢及耐腐蚀材料制造,经久耐用。Rinsing sector and water flow system adopt rustproof material , which can bear roughlt usage.

同时对无油防锈包装的需求及应用前景也作了概述。The requirement and application prospects of oil-free rustproof packaging are summarized as well.

分析了防锈颜料对涂层耐蚀性的影响。The influence of rustproof pigments on the corrosion protective properties of the film was discussed.

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铝广泛用作建筑材料的重要原因是它的重量轻,可防锈。Being light and rustproof is an important reason for the wide use of aluminium as a building material.

电镀和化学镀铜焊丝经钝化后抗蚀性能均有明显提高。After passive treatment, the rustproof ability of kinds of coppered welding wires has been improved obviously.

对环境友好,防锈性能特别优异,在许多场合可替代防锈油。Friendly to environment, excellent anti-corrosion properties, especially on many occasions alternative rustproof oil.

本文对气相防锈纸的发展及发展动态和对气相防锈纸的性能特点、生产工艺及其用途作了综合性的论述。It was reviewed that the production technology, performance , the uses and development of rustproof paper of air-phase in this paper.

能在室温下将工作表面的水份脱除,具有脱水、防锈的双重性能。Can work the superficial moisture content will be got rid of , have dehydrating , rustproof double performance under room temperature.

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铝合金型材具有重量轻、无切削、耐腐蚀、强度高等各方面优点,深受欢迎。Aluminum alloy extrusion profiles are welcomed because of their advantages such as lightweight , cutless , rustproof and high strength.

这种耐研磨和不生锈套管是阀门中唯一与锚链接触的部件,因此阀门的使用寿命就更长,对维护的需求也更少。The abrasion-resistant and rustproof sleeve is the only part exposed to the chain and the process, which results in a long service life minimal maintenance requirements.

这个群控系统能够按照预先编写好的浸漆、防锈工艺程序发挥其自动控制作用。Such computerized group controlled system makes it possible for the sequences of rustproof impregnation processing to be arranged automatically according to pre-set programming.

介绍了云母氧化铁与彩色云母氧化铁分别作为防锈颜料和珠光颜料的性能及合成方法,探讨了彩色云母氧化铁的应用前景。The characteristic and synthesis of the micaceous iron oxide and colour micaceous iron oxide as the rustproof and pearly pigments are presented. And their application are shown.

完工后房主要进行通水试压,所有接头、阀门与管道连接处都不能有渗水、漏水现象,而后还要进行防锈处理。Upon completion of the Housing major test for water pressure, all joints, valves and pipelines connecting Department can have water seepage , leakage phenomenon, and then also for rustproof.