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马力冲出了棚屋。Mary ran out of the wigwam.

杜威先生和杜威太太有一个小棚屋。Mr Dewey and Mrs Dewey have a small wigwam.

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茅草屋外,一个在匍匐而行的小男孩在射箭。Out of the wigwam crawled the boy who'd shot the arrow.

可是没有人应声。窝棚里也并没有人钻出来。But there warn't no answer, and nobody come out of the wigwam.

棚屋因为很大的湿气而让人很不舒服。The wigwam made not be very uncomfortable because of big moisture.

“他在那儿。”女智者答,并指着棚屋里的一个地方。He is there, " said the wise woman, and she pointed to a place in the wigwam ."

野蛮人懂不懂得,在这样的条件底下,用他的尖屋来换得一座皇宫呢?Would the savage have been wise to exchange his wigwam for a palace on these terms?

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所以公爵和国王便去检查一下我们的窝棚,看看床铺是什么一个样子。So the duke and the king went to overhauling our wigwam , to see what the beds was like.

在顶上,他把两三个灌木丛扔在一起,就这样一个简易棚屋完成了。Over the top he managed to draw together two or three bushes, and the improvised wigwam was complete.

完成了皇宫上的飞檐,入晚回家的石工,大约是回到一个比尖屋还不如的草棚里。The mason who finishes the cornice of the palace returns at night perchance to a hut not so good as a wigwam.

狩猎棚屋提高城邑法律和部队训练程度,同时为城邑提供食物来源。The hunters Wigwam trains men to fight, provides food for the tribe and keeps the tribes in line even more so than a Hunters Tipi.

家庭为游客提供食宿,在遥远的高山草场上,牧民们让游客在毡房里留宿,这是一种丝绸之路上的家庭旅馆。Families offer homestays, while shepherds in remote mountain pastures put up guests in yurts – a sort of wigwam b&b on the Silk Road.

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在印第安人的记录中,一座尖屋是一整天行程的标志,在树皮上刻着或画着的一排尖屋代表他们已经露营了多少次。In the Indian gazettes a wigwam was the symbol of a day's march, and a row of them cut or painted on the bark of a tree signified that so many times they had camped.

这个高高瘦瘦的男孩在缅因州的哈里森圆锥帐篷营地过的更好一些,11岁的时候,他在那里跟人打了一场网球,让他的朋友们欣然地公认他为“三十年代最受欢迎的演员”。The tall, skinny boy had a better time of it at Camp Wigwam in Harrison, Me., where, at eleven, he played a fair game of tennis, made friends readily, and was voted "the most popular actor of 1930."