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画马路划线会用到加铅油漆。Leaded paint is used to paint roadways.

约有20个国家仍在使用含铅汽油。About 20 countries still use leaded gasoline.

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最后,他们两个带领军队打败了突厥。At length, they two leaded the procession and beated the Turki.

结果导致瘢痕性挛缩,吻合口狭窄。The results leaded to scar contracture and anastomotic stenosis.

李乐桦小队长及谢敏德见习小队长带领会众唱歌。Cpl. Erica LI and LCpl. Mandy TSE leaded the congregation to sing.

学院院长黄立文教授等领导热情接见客人。The Dean, Prof. Huang Liwen, welcomed the Dutch delegation leaded by Mr.

而这种价值观念的变革直接导致了新文化运动的兴起。And the change of value directly leaded the rise of "new culture movement".

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它使归纳逻辑向形式化和数量化的研究方面前进了一大步。It leaded a great progress of inductive study in formation and quantification.

内部非常诱人,客厅有拱形屋顶,铅玻璃窗户。Interior is very attractive, living room with arched roof, leaded glass windows.

现在制造或销售需用有铅汽油的新车是非法的。It is now illegal to manufacture or sell new vehicles requiring leaded gasoline.

托马斯·米基利是一位美国化学家,发明了加铅汽油和氯氟烃。Thomas Midgley was an American chemist who invented both leaded petrol and CFCs.

在很多城市,只要你不从地里挖吃的或种菜,铅的影响就微乎其微。In many cities, leaded soil does little harm, unless you dig or plant food in it.

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把钋或者钍放在,开一个小口的含铅的盒子里面。So, you've got polonium or thorium sitting inside this leaded box with one opening.

中国人大领导机构为主席团,其职责比较广泛。China's people's congress is leaded by its presidium, who owns a wide range of power.

高掌握目标---低表现目标取向导致最佳学业成绩。High mastery-low performance goal orientation leaded to the best academic achievement.

焊道则因焊接缺陷再加上孔蚀作用,使焊道更易穿孔漏水。Pitting and weld defects both accelerated the perforation of weld, and finally leaded to leakage.

征收含铅汽油税是实行汽油无铅化的一项重要政策。Levying a tax on leaded gasoline is an important policy to implement the use of unleaded gasoline.

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用同位素技术研究和评估天津市汽油无铅化进程。Using isotope technique the phase-out of leaded gasoline was studied and assessed in Tianjin City.

九点钟才开饭,我靠在叠起来的棉花网套上,几乎要晕过去。We could have breakfast till 9 a. m. , leaded against my folded cotton quilt , almost fell in a faint.

功能性精神损伤以创伤后应激障碍、反应性精神病、癔症居多。Functional mental injury leaded to much posttraumatic stress disorder, reactive psychosis and hysteria.