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人们不能驯服野马,所以就毁掉它们。They couldn't domesticate them, so they destory them.

贝多因人是养驯这个出色的品种第一。The Bedouins were the first to domesticate this magnificent breed.

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我种植马铃薯,替花园除草,驯养各种动植物。I plant the potatoes, I weed the garden, I domesticate the species.

如果你驯养这只浣熊,它生活在野外将会有困难。If you domesticate this raccoon,it will have trouble living in the wild.

我们使用乾燥的物质对它从事间接攻击,就可将黏性驯服。We can domesticate the viscous though an indirect attack with dry matter.

她认为,如果小王子驯养了她,她的生活一定会是欢快的。She believes that if the Little Prince domesticate her, her life will be happy.

他打算先抓来充实他们的食品室,以后有工夫再捉来驯养。He wished to stock their larder first, and domesticate those which they might take later.

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当人们开始驯服动物时,他们训练它们拖担架和拉雪橇。As people began to domesticate animals, they trained them to pull the litters and sledges.

人对动物的驯饲蓄养关系,使家庭增添无限温馨的氛围。People domesticate animals, and this conduces to gentle and fragrant atmosphere for family.

鲁滨逊学会了种植粮食作物,驯养野羊,获取牛奶,甚至还训练出一只鹦鹉作宠物。Crusoe learns to plant crops, domesticate goats for milk, and even train a parrot for a pet.

驯化卡权力的组成介意,你要手饲料夫人运气了。Domesticate cards by the power of the composed mind, and you are going to hand-feed Lady Luck.

他试着把其他的狼驯化,但它们也不会像以前那样亲密。He tried to domesticate other wolves later but they were never so close to each other any more.

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随着时间的推移,这些第一批移民的大多数定居下来,开始农耕和驯养动物。As time went on, many of these first settlers settled down and began to farm and domesticate animals.

终于,鲁滨逊学会了种植粮食作物,驯养野羊获取羊奶,甚至还训练出一只鹦鹉作宠物。Eventually Crusoe learns to plant crops, domesticate goats for milk, and even train a parrot for a pet.

一些比我聪明的弟兄们试图给他改个名字,以便驯化驯服他,我没有这么做。While others smarter than I have attempted to rename it, to somehow domesticate and tame it, I won't try.

例如,当我们驯养动物时,特别是像狗这样的宠物,我们对它会有新的要求。For example, when we domesticate animals, especially a companion animal like a dog, we are placing new demands upon it.

我校农业综合开发实验室在三年前引种印度人参进行栽培驯化,其在实验地生长良好。Agriculture Comprehensive Development Laboratory in our school began to cultivate and domesticate the introduced Inidan Ginseng three years ago.

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同时绳纹人也能很轻松地找到数量又多种类又全的坚果和种子植物,所以也没必要驯养动物或培育特定的农作物。They also had easy access to abundant plants with nuts and seeds, so there was no imperative to domesticate animals or to cultivate particular crops.

并且还要不寓于旧法,积极开展新的园林树种的引种和驯化工作,发掘新的园林绿化树种,丰富我省城市园林的植物景观。And also not limited to the old law, active new garden species and domesticate plants, explore new landscaping species, to enrich the landscape garden plants in our province.

通过了解乌兰县中药村现状,为以后野生驯化、发展乌兰县中药材种植提供前提条件。The bases were provided for development of culture and domesticate traditional Chinese medicine according to status quo of traditional Chinese medicine resources in Wulan county.