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人民反对君主专制。The people were against autocratic monarchy.

不过截止目前,威权统治下的中国仍执亚洲经济增长之牛耳。But, for now, autocratic China remains Asia's lodestar.

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在我看来,压迫人的专制制度很快就会腐化堕落。An autocratic system of coercion, in my opinion, soon degenerates.

面对强权和专制的各方压力,我们不会噤若寒蝉。In face of autocratic and political pressure, we will not be silent.

专制型领导者倾向于单方面做出决策,支配工作方法。Autocratic leaders tend to make unilateral decisions, dictate work methods.

但他们当中却没有一个阻止克里姆林宫采取反美和专制的政策。But none of this stops the Kremlin from being anti-American and autocratic.

而古代法家的“法治”是维护专制的手段和工具。The ideology of the legalist school autocratic means and tools in ancient times.

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祝家深厚牢固的封建家长专制和封建婚姻思想。I wish deep home firmly feudal autocratic parents and feudal thinking of marriage.

专制腐败型,利用手中权势,在改革中为自己谋取私利,欺压百姓。The autocratic ones are those who just make profits for themselves from the reform.

他领导的辛亥革命,推翻了在中国延续几千年的君主专制制度。He led the Revolution of 1911 to remove the millennia old autocratic monarchy in China.

值得注意的是,甚至有的英主也看到皇帝独断专行的危害。It is noteworthy that even some British owners also see that the emperor autocratic hazards.

本世纪美国资本主义的表现有专制资本主义好吗?Has our American capitalism in this century performed as well as their autocratic capitalism?

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然而政治党派仍继续活动来,借此反对乡村行政系统的专制。However, political parties sustained their activities against the autocratic Panchayat system.

无论蒋政权暴露出怎样的腐败、威权、军事无能,也不能改变他们的看法。No exposure of Chiang as corrupt, autocratic and militarily incompetent would shift their view.

但是由于“中国几千年的实际政治却是专制政治。However, due to "several thousand years in China is the political realities of autocratic politics."

石油赚来的外快已经确立了专制、腐败的政治体系,并且该体系拒接改变。The oil money has entrenched an autocratic and corrupt political system that is resistant to change.

西方刑法史上也有着重刑的思想,其主要原因是由于宗教和专制统治。Western in ancient also has a severe penalty history, mainly because of religious and autocratic rule.

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明代是中国历史上君主专制政治发展到顶峰的时期。Ming Dynasty was the time when the politics of autocratic monarchy reached its peak in Chinese history.

罗马共和国陷入动荡,共和政体最终为帝制取代。Accordingly, Roman Republic fell into the turbulence and was finally replaced by the autocratic monarchy.

民主国家的统治者比专制统治者拥有更大的共容利益。The archon in the democratic country possesses of more inclusive interest than the autocratic archon has.