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最后,到火之魔符了。At last, the Fire Sigil.

这一定就是土之魔符了。That must be the Earth Sigil there.

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好了,我们去找个土之魔符或是别的什么。OK, let's go find an Earth Sigil or whatever.

您只需输入这些符号来代替相应的参数。You simply type the sigil in place of the argument.

她是整座鸟笼的守护者,是她保障了印记城的安全。She's the protector of the whole Cage, the one being that keeps Sigil safe.

琼恩成为北境之王后,新徽章的颜色将与史塔克家族的标志相反。Jon's new sigil as King in the North will be a reversal of House Stark's banner.

印记城有着数种特殊的特性,其中一种就是客观重力定向。Sigil has a number of special traits, one of which is objective directional gravity.

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公告的蛇是怎样的形象,甚至在很大的图章在谷底页。Notice how the image of the serpent is significant even in the sigil at the bottom of the page.

增加了新的魔印,主要是通过购买获得,包括了一个坦克向的魔印。New death knight sigils are now available, primarily from vendors, including a tanking-oriented sigil.

那么我们该怎么去对付守护在那无趣的风之魔符旁的那一整拨飞行生物?OK, so how are we going to fight a whole bunch of flying creatures that are guarding this stupid Air Sigil?

从第四季开始,波顿家族的剥皮人标志就安在了片头动画的临冬城上。Ever since season four, the flayed man sigil of House Bolton has sat atop Winterfell during the animated title sequence.

来自混沌海的涅拉蟾,在印记城以及联盟市这样的位面大都会中如鱼得水。The neraphim originate in Limbo , but some have found their way to the great planar metropolises, including Sigil and Union.

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史塔克家族的徽章是白底的灰色冰原狼,那么雪诺的标志将会是灰底的白色冰原狼。House Stark's sigil is a gray direwolf on a white background, which means Jon Snow's banners will show a white wolf on a gray background.

看,我发现白纸的编结方法形成了一个能与奥术能量共鸣的矩阵。也就是说在纸垫上的神秘图案中,隐藏着一条鲜为人知的道路!And lo, I discovered that the weaving of white paper formed a matrix that resonated with arcane power. that within the mystic sigil that is the doily, there lay a path taken by few!