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龙滩水电站设置尾水阻抗式调压井。The tailrace impedance surge chamber is going to be used on Longtan hydropower station.

调压室位置是影响调保参数的主要因素之一。The location of the tailrace surge tank is one of the main factors effecting on guaranteed regulation.

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深溪沟水电站厂房坝段尾水扩散段两边墩内弧线由圆变方渐变成形。The tailrace diffusion section of Shenxigou hydropower plant dam is gradually changed from round to square.

对于首部式开发的水电站,其尾水系统水头损失直接关系到长期运行的经济效益。The long-term economic benefits of a hydropower station are directly affected by the tailrace system head loss.

尾水调压室位置是影响尾水管最小压力值的主要因素之一。The location of the tailrace surge tank is one of the main factors effecting minimum pressure in the draft tube.

本文详细介绍尾水渠清淤工程的施工管理及清淤取得的经济效益。This article introduces the construction management and economic performance of excavating the silt of the tailrace in detail.

论证了向家坝采用变顶高尾水洞方案的可行性,为工程设计提供可靠的依据。It shows that the design of tailrace tunnel with sloping ceiling is suitable and provides a hard foundation for the project design.

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如改变尾水管形状,可以消除涡带压力脉动,减小机组振动。If the shape of tailrace pipe is changed, the pressure pulse can be removed so that the vibration of generating unit can be reduced.

这些结果为水电站无压尾水洞引风系统的应用提供了理论基础与设计依据。The results provide the theoretical basis and design guidance for the application of tailrace tunnel ventilation system in hydropower station.

通过某电站尾水隧洞水工水力学模型实验专门对该方法进行验证,表明该计算方法是正确的。Model experiment for tailrace tunnel of hydropower station has been conducted and the results of this method agree with the experiment very well.

而在中部地区结合本地土壤特征下的CRI系统以及在化工厂尾水处理方面的应用则鲜有报道。In the central region with local soil characteristics under the CRI systems and its use at the tailrace of the chemical plants is seldom reported.

采用大型动力系统理论分析了上下游双调压室系统水位波动稳定问题,并推求出有关计算公式。The paper presents design of reticulate drainage system for tailrace surge chamber and use of high strength pervious hose at Ertan hydropower station.

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研究证明,其成果对于同类水电站尾水渠的分析及设计具有一定的指导和借鉴意义。Research shows that the results have guiding significance and reference significance for analyzing and designing similar tailrace of hydropower station.

计算结果表明,尾水调压室断面面积随水轮机工作水头的增大或尾水洞长度的缩短而减小。The calculated result from an example shows that the stable sectional area reduces with the increase of working head, or the decrease of the tailrace tunnel length.

双机共尾水调压室是水电站引水发电系统中一种常见的布置形式,存在尾水调压室水位波动和水力干扰问题。The tailrace surge chamber shared by two units, common in hydropower stations with diversion systems, has problems of water level fluctuation and hydraulic disturbance.

当下游水位最低时,尾水管进口真空变化最明显,随着下游水位的上升,尾水管进口真空度逐渐改善。The vacuum degree at tailrace adit varies most significantly at the lowest downstream water level and improves gradually along with the rising of downstream water level.

摘要双机共尾水调压室是水电站引水发电系统中一种常见的布置形式,存在尾水调压室水位波动和水力干扰问题。The tailrace surge chamber shared by two units , common in hydropower stations with diversion systems , has problems of water level fluctuation and hydraulic disturbance.

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本文讲述应用边界拟合坐标法计算柘溪与丰满水电站尾水河道流场。The application of body fitted coordinated method for calculating flow in the tailrace river downstream of Za Xie and Feng Men Hydropower Stations is described in this paper.

摘要在托马假定前提下,从调压室基本方程入手,推导复杂尾水系统的尾水调压室稳定断面计算公式,并通过工程实例进行验证。Based on thoma supposition and basic equations of surge tank , a few formulas were proposed for the stable sectional area of tailrace surge tank on complicated tailrace system.

大型水电工程的尾水隧洞中可能会发生明满交替流动,给电站过渡过程带来很大影响,需要建立合理可行的明满交替流动数值计算模型。In tailrace tunnels of large hydropower station, a transient mixed free-surface-pressure flow may occur, which has a complex effect on the stability and transient of the power plant.