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三力卫浴实业有限公司。Sanli Plumbing Industry Co. , Ltd.

现在我们通过铅锤完成。Now we got through with the plumbing.

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它只提供关于管道的知识。All it provides is knowledge of plumbing.

当管道工或许不时尚,但云计算的确时尚。Plumbing isn't fashionable. But the cloud is.

现在他自已正在向那深不可测的海底进发。Now he was himself plumbing an unfathomable sea.

他有十只手指、十只脚趾,也有消化管和眼睛。Ten fingers, ten toes, he had plumbing and sight.

最后,经过回收的水又流回了冲水系统。Then it's recycled back into the plumbing system.

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吉姆的爸爸是一家管道供应公司的老板。Jim`s dad was president of a plumbing supply company.

它被使用为透明食品包装和渠管子。It is used for clear food packaging and plumbing pipe.

但是马乔丽被铅锤的声响惊醒。Marjorie was, however, woken by the sound of plumbing.

她想远离糟糕的下水管和故意破坏的行为。She knows to stay away from bad plumbing and vandalism.

定义了该管道之后,我就可以开始正事了。With that plumbing defined, I can get down to business.

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要是我自己可以修下水道的话,就连高额的管道修理费都可以省了。So were overpriced plumbing repairs, if I could help it.

但是他男友很幸运,他的“下水管”在下水管道里卡住了。Fortunately for him, his plumbing got stuck in the plumbing.

她学习了砌砖、布线和管道工程的基本知识。She learned the rudiments of brick-laying, wiring and plumbing.

女士们似乎对管道非常在意。他又是如何处理的呢?The ladies tend to care about plumbing. How's he fixed for that?

所以我在想,额哦,这是对网路视频好的渠道么?So I'm thinking e'oh, is this good plumbing for the video Internet?

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汉堡北欧卫生设备,制热,管道设备和空调设备展。North European Sanitation, heating, Plumbing and Air-Conditioning Fair.

污水处理沼泽从何处始,厕所排水管在何处止?Where does the waste-treatment marsh begin and the toilet plumbing end?

铜件。水暖配件,铜锁具等黄铜制品的专业生产厂家。Copper pieces. Plumbing fittings, copper brass locks and other products.