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雌虫产卵于土中,卵期为13—38天。The eggs hatch in 13—38 days.

连孵卵都不管哪。They wouldn't hatch their eggs.

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麻雀什么时候孵蛋?When do the sparrows' eggs hatch?

相信我!我得回舱门去了。I'm going to get back to the hatch.

蛋在温暖的育儿袋中孵化。The eggs hatch inside the warm pouch.

小鸡什么时候孵出?When will the baby chickens hatch out?

小鸡什么时候孵出来?。When will the baby chickens hatch out?

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他从舱口伸出头来。He stuck his head up through the hatch.

六个月后雄海马育儿袋中的蛋才会发育成型。The eggs hatch inside the male's pouch.

贝欧巴试图和孔达成协议。Baobab tried to hatch a deal with Koong.

第二天,这个蛋还末孵出。The nex day. The egg still didn't hatch.

很快,一只小恐龙将从里面孵化出来。Soon, a baby dinosaur will hatch from it.

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第二天。这个蛋还没有孵出来。The next day. The egg still didn't hatch.

两个人很快从舱口下去不见了。Both men quickly disappeared down the hatch.

为什么可憎的杜鹃孵化在麻雀的巢内?Or hateful cuckoos hatch in sparrows' nests?

经过三个星期的孵化,小鸟们就破壳而出。After three weeks of brooding, the eggs hatch.

我们的心从概念之卵中孵化而出。Hatch our minds from the egg of conceptuality.

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一周后,无脚的蚊子幼虫孵化出来。Within a week, small footless larvae hatch out.

舱口围板需要局部挖补吗?。Do the hatch coamings need to be mended locally?

可是当他们出舱的时候,一股难闻的气味熏得她几乎呕吐。They opened the hatch. She got a whiff. She puked.