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周三晚间他在等待传讯。He was awaiting arraignment last night.

他将于今天晚些时候被提审。His arraignment is scheduled for later today.

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她昨天被送回了对少年拘留在她的传讯。She was remanded to juvenile detention at her arraignment yesterday.

他向接待警员询问了马宏将在哪个法庭接受传讯。Wyatt asks the desk clerk which courthouse he is being transferred to for arraignment.

白三穿着伪军装进了集中营,他拿出提审令。Three white dress uniform pseudo into a concentration camp, he took out the arraignment.

一名密西根男子出庭受审,他被指控谋杀他的妻子并肢解其尸体。Arraignment for a Michigan man charged with murdering his wife and dismembering her body.

目前男孩姓名没有被公开,他没有遭到拘押,但他将于11月被传讯。His name wasn't released and the boy isn't in custody, but he must show up for a November arraignment.

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起诉方向法院提供起诉状,根据控诉正式传讯被告。An indictment or information is presented to the court, and a formal arraignment on the charges is held.

提审是一个在被告人和他们的辩护律师亲自到场的正式露面时的听证会。An arraignment is a hearing during which the defendants and their attorneys enter a formal appearance in the case.

提审会宣读对其的指控,法官会要求他自己进行抗辩。Arraignment is when the charges against the juvenile will be read, and the judge will ask how the juvenile pleads.

在1994年双胞胎谋杀指控的提审时被问他是否有罪,他不只说,没罪。When Simpson was asked at his 1994 arraignment on twin murder charges if he was guilty, he didn't just say, not guilty.

周一有人在佛拉明罕地方法院代表波克,在提讯时就包括身分诈欺等罪名,答辩无罪。A not guilty plea was entered on Boc's behalf Monday at his arraignment in Framingham District Court on charges including identity fraud.

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波斯尼亚塞族战争罪嫌疑人拉特科。姆拉迪奇在海牙举行有关南斯拉夫战争罪的法庭听审中,被法官逐出法庭。Serbian war crimes suspect Ratko Mladic was ordered out of his own arraignment by judges at the Yugoslav war crimes Tribunal in The Hague.

2004年4月30日,在圣玛利亚加州法院传讯迈克尔·杰克逊娈童案后,他在新闻发布会上讲话。Michael Jackson speaks at a news conference after his arraignment in his child molestation case at the Santa Maria, Calif. , courthouse, on April 30, 2004.

本周二,江同学走进法院的大厅出庭受审,他被控告于1月3日闯入机场安检通道,破坏公共安全。This occurred on Tuesday, when he entered the front lobby of the courthouse for his arraignment on charges that he breached security at the airport on Jan. 3.

与此同时,侦探将小佳带离42警局管辖区,而被指控试图谋杀,用枪支作为犯罪工具。Meanwhile, detectives led Mr. Gentles from the 42nd Precinct station house to face arraignment on charges of attempted murder, criminal use of a firearm and armed assault.

在洛杉矶高级法院预审听证会的审讯中,法官裁定由于莫里给杰克逊一剂过量的、强大的镇静剂,所以莫里将于3月28日受到审判。Conrad Murray is to stand trial on March 28 on charges he gave Jackson an overdose of a powerful sedative, a judge ruled after an arraignment hearing at the Los Angeles Superior Court.

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上海公共租界警务处档案中,有巡捕房审讯调查记录和上海地方法院提审裁决书。In the archives of the Shanghai International Settlement Police Department, there were the police station interrogation records and the arraignment awarded by the Shanghai District Court.

警官们逮捕某人,给他盖上嫌疑拘捕的帽子,然后在提审和审讯后发现他是无辜的——这种事每周发生无数次。It is endless the amount of times per week officers arrest an individual, label him a suspectarrestee-defendant and then before arraignment or trial realize that he is innocent based on evidence.