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骑士啊,是什么苦恼你。Ah, what Can ail thee, wretched wight.

感谢「毒软件」的庄·韦特提供这一信息。Thanks to Jon Wight of Toxic Software.

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怀特岛在周末时也被“占领”。Over the weekend the Isle of Wight went into occupation.

我方今仍然在怀特岛了,一切安好,不消忧虑。I'm in Isle of Wight now. Everything was ok. Don't worry about me.

英格兰南部威特岛北岸的一个城镇。A town on the northern coast of the Isle of Wight off southern England.

怀特岛的问题尤为突出,争夺工作岗位的人更多。The Isle of Wight has more unemployed workers per new job than any other area.

英国夏季音乐节盛会随着在怀特岛的第8界BESTIVAL音乐节的举办就结束了。England's summer festival season ends on the Isle of Wight at the eighth annual Bestival.

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近期的报道表明帕丁森和斯图尔特已经在怀特岛购置了房子。Recent reports suggest Pattinson and Stewart have been house-hunting on the Isle of Wight.

目的通过对湖北产耳叶牛皮消的品质评价,初步建立该药材的质量标准。Objective To establish the quality standards of Cynanchum auriculatum Royle ex Wight in Hubei province.

卡西迪与运输经理科特雷尔,在怀特岛音乐节相识9个月后就传出了怀孕的消息。Cassidy's pregnancy comes just nine months after she met transport manager Cottrell at the Isle Of Wight Festival.

之后的许多年里,我的家人经常回忆起这个少见的幽默场面。"My family reminisced about this rare show of humour for years afterwards, " says Penelope, from the Isle of Wight.

其他英国工厂占领运动接踵而至,最近的一次发生在威斯塔斯公司位于怀特岛的风能涡轮机厂。Other British factory occupations have followed, most recently at the Vestas wind turbine plant on the Isle of Wight.

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讨论了泵中V带传动的可靠性设计与传统设计比较,不仅根数少、尺寸小、质量轻,而且可靠性高。Reliability design of V-belt drive get not only a small size??light wight but also high reliability in the circulating pump.

最晚也能预订,只需电话电传,说明日期、航班和信用卡详况,随后至机场问询处与我们接洽。For late bookings simply phone telex with dates, Wight and credit card details. Then meet us at the airport information Desk.

结论白首乌多糖对酒精所致小鼠急性肝损伤模型具有显著的保护作用。ConclusionPolysaccharide from Cynanchum auriculatum Royle ex Wight has significant protective effect on ethanol-induced liver injury in mice.

但其他一些被生态学家提名的地标类地点却得到允许,包括怀特岛周围的白垩和康沃尔的岩石群。But other landmark places proposed by ecologists were chosen, including the Needles off the Isle of Wight and the Manacles rocks off Cornwall.

英格兰南部的自治市,邻英吉利海峡,与怀特岛相对相望。该市于94年取得自治权,是主要的海军基地。人口87,900。A borough of southern England on the English Channel opposite the Isle of Wight. Chartered in 94, it is a major naval base. Population, 87,900.

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上周,丹麦的威斯达公司批评了英国的那些“独善其身主义者”,原因是他们决定关闭威特岛上的涡轮机厂,造成风力发电厂瘫痪。Last week, the Danish firm Vestas blamed British "nimbies" opposing wind farms for its decision to close its turbine factory on the Isle of Wight.

英格兰南部的自治市,邻,与怀特岛相对相望。该市于1194年取得自治权,是主要的海军基地。人口187,900。A borough of southern England on the English Channel opposite the Isle of Wight. Chartered in 1194, it is a major naval base. Population, 187, 900.

它是超保温的豪华三居室房屋,坐落在有着美丽海景一侧的位置上,享受着索伦特和怀特岛的壮丽景色。It is a super insulated, luxury 3 bedroom house sitting in a beautiful water side location enjoying stunning views of the Solent and the Isle of Wight.